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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Right so I've been saving and bought these recently.




And I'll be adding some tank riders to the rear of the beast too and some Royal Engineers! As it will be set in the Late Summer/early Autumn of 1945. Yes I know realms of fantasy, but it's going to be fun. I now have to research which unit would have used the Tortoise.

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Right so I've been saving and bought these recently.




And I'll be adding some tank riders to the rear of the beast too and some Royal Engineers! As it will be set in the Late Summer/early Autumn of 1945. Yes I know realms of fantasy, but it's going to be fun. I now have to research which unit would have used the Tortoise.


You can also chuck 95% of tha parts away and build a historical Tortoise as David Parker did! :lol:




Just kidding of course! I hope you'll keep us updated on the progress!




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  • 3 weeks later...

I know there won't be much interest here, but " I'd " LOVE to see an accurate, quality 1/25 scale "Sherman", ( most common WWII version ), not R/C but static only.


Seems that 1/25 is kind of the "red headed stepchild" of armor, as the 1/35 is hugely more popular, but I like what I like (lol)


Jim J. -- "olfogey"

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As I have to save money for Christmas, Mum doesn't want me buying anything modelling related. So with that in mind I went thru my decal bank to see if I had any suitable decals for the Tortoise. And decided on a Polish operated vehicle if it had gone into service.

Well here is the fruit of that.




Probably not to everyone's taste. But I'm having fun, which is what the hobby is all about eh?

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