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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Roland DVIa WnW

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I have finished the cockpit structure so far and will wait for a PE fret and hopefully an Aviatic lozenge sheet (free sample from the FB contest) before continuing forward. At first I got the cables of the control column wrong (as shown in the pic), but got it fixed before I installed it. Here are the pictures of the progress so far.

Any comments, questions or recommendations are more than welcomed!

Best regards,















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Very Nice start!!!

Do you already contact me to get your free sheet? :) if so, Aviattic already has the information to send to you the sheet.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I received a free sample lozenge decal from Aviattic and it is just wonderful. It was packed for shipping as good as possible, the product itself surprised me with two A4 decal sheets, A4 instruction, something that looks like a postcard and a booklet with some historical facts. Everything is really top quality and gives the same feeling as a WnW kit - when this is in your hands you just feel that someone thinked deeply for every little detail and the result is just great! 

I can't speak for the accuracy of the colours as I just don't have the knowledge to do it, but they seem legit!

I'm 90% ready with the wings and the lozenge decals now. I have the faded 4 colour version, it is little transparent (unlike the WnW decal) and if you like to preshade it is good to do it. I sprayed the wings with Mr. Surfacer 1500 grey, then preshade the ribs with black, but it was too contrasting so I loaded the airbrush with Tamiya's "deck tan" colour and sprayed a thin layer to smooth the contrast until I was satisfied with the result. I polished it with Tamiya polishing compound on the next day and sprayed Alclad's gloss varnish on top of it (future is not available in my country and this is the thinnest gloss I'm aware of).

One day later I started laying the decals. I used Tamiya tape for making a template (as described on Uschi Van Der Rosten's website for the wood grain decals), just put the tape 10-15 times on my pants to make it less sticky before sticking it to the decal. The decaling process itself went smoothly and with absolutely no problems but the ones that I created due to my mistakes. I started with lower surface of the upped wing -> upper surface of the lower ling -> lower surface of lower wing -> upper surface of upper wing as I wanted to gain some experience before going to the most visible area :). Finally last night I started putting the tapes on the ribs and this is quite annoying so I was able to do just the lower wing. It is little dark and was wondering if it looks good or not, so your opinion on this will be highly appreciated.



best regards,










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Lovely stuff! The transparent decal isn't really suitable for slicing up for rib tapes so I applaud your determination! We recommend using WNW linen, blue or pale pink (until ours become available next year!) or waiting for more tailored sets in 2014.

Having said that, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this ends up - love those Rolands!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Last night I started the woodwork on the inside of the fuselage. I tryed few different types of preshading and oil colours and got some important lesson learned before starting the outside :) I feel more confident now regarding the colours and the wood grain, I will just have to increase the tweak the contrast between the different planks a little bit.

While te inside is drying I will finish the engine and the wings. Then it will be the most important part for this build - the outside of teh fuselage!

Also I'm adding an engine picture from few days ago.

As usually any comments, questions, recomendations are more than welcomed.

Best regards,






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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much for the good words guys, I really appretiate them! 

Now back to the model, I closed the fuselage and put the engine at its place, it fitted perfectly but quite tight. As mentioned in myriad of posts before - the WnW fit tolerance is really very narrow! 

Then I worked on the wood grain of the fuselage. The state now is with e side varnished with mix of clear yellow and orange and teh other unvarnished yet. It still needs a day or two to cure the oils completely. Then I will finish the wings and put them at their respective place :).

Here are few pictures including two with the lower wing and the way it is going to look :) :)
As usually any remarks, questions, criticism or comments are welcomed!

Best regards,









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This days I was working exclusevile on this model and I enjoy every minute of this build, WnW have done awesome job on this one. The model got too orange, but its more or less the actual colour seen in the manual :-/ I would hav eliked to be a tiny bit lighter but anyway, it is looking good - orange, but good. Here are some pics, sorry for them being too dark, I will make the ones for the next update lighter.


Bets regards,










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Thank you again for the comments, they are much appreciated! This kit is really AWESOME, if someone want to try a wooden fuselage kit, this one is way better than any of the Albatros DV/DVa kits!


As I said I'm working on the undercarriage and I got some more decals on and I started to get all those nail visible, which is a tiresome task :-/ but the result is pleasing my eye. Too bad my photocamera skills are really non existing and I can't get decent picture, showing how it really looks like. 

Here are two of the better pictures. I will try with better light tomorrow during the day again.


As mentioned before, the Aviattic Lozenge decals are truly excellent and as I have experience with Uschi's wooden decals - they also are excellent even thou I decided not to use them for this particular project!


best regards,












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