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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1:32nd scale Junkers J.1

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Hi all,
My build of the RAF BE2c is complete, apart from its display case.
So I thought I'd take a break from resin models and rigging.
Therefore the next model will be the Junkers J.1 armoured ground attack aircraft.
This particular aircraft is Serial No: 596/18 at Dessau airfield, Germany, in September 1918.



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11 hours ago, belugawhaleman said:

Will that be the Wing nut kit? That'll be a cool build!

Yes the Wingnut Wings kit (32001).

It was one of the first four kits released back in 2009:


32001 1/32 Junkers J.1
32002 1/32 LVG C.VI
32003 1/32 SE.5a ‘Hisso’
32004 1/32 Bristol F.2b Fighter



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Hi all,
Interesting to note that even 'Wingnut Wings' can get it wrong.
The known gap at the upper wing aileron inboard ends.
Also the instruction manual on page 11 shows assembly of the upper wing outer sections.
The kit supplies wing stiffeners (Parts I1 and I6), which are intended to be fitted into the upper wings outer halves before the halves are joined.
However, the instructions on page 11 do not show or mention these stiffeners.


EDIT - I was wrong - the stiffeners are for the upper wing centre section (page 8 in the instructions) - not for the outer wing sections.


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Hi all,
The kit supplied upper wing outer sections have an extension at the wing trailing edges.
This is to represent the cover strip for the leading edges of the ailerons.
However, due to the limitations of moulding, these corrugated cover strips are moulded as straight extensions.
In reality, these cover strips were normally unevenly distorted along their entire length, from slight to heavy distortions.
As they were made from corrugated Duraluminium sheet, my assumption is they were probably distorted by being trodden on by maintenance personnel.

To create these distortions, I used the heat from an electrical soldering iron.
The wing was held of the tip of the soldering iron until the styrene showed signs of softening.
I then eased the styrene into a distortion using the ball end of a paper embossing tool.
Then I just moved along the wing repeating the process.

Now onto the infamous gap between the aileron inboard ends and the upper wing centre section,





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Hi all,
The upper wing ailerons are supposed to be close to the outboard trailing edges of the centre section.
Once assembled, there is a 2.5 mm gap where the centre section moulding did not include an extension to meet the ends of the ailerons.
Making inserts to fill the gaps is tricky as the wing surfaces are corrugated.
However, the kit sprues have two parts (24 and 25) which are not used and these are corrugated on on side.
I cut two strips with two corrugations to fit the gaps.
These were cemented into the gap on the top surface of the upper wing.
There is not enough of parts 24 and 25 left to use on the underside of the upper wing.
Therefore I cut inserts from 0.5 mm styrene sheet to fill the gaps then added two 0.5 mm wide styrene rods to represent the corrugations.



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Hi all,
Although the kit supplied engine (Benz Bz.IV) is of good quality, there are details of the engine not included.
1. Cylinders coolant pipe (left side of engine only).
2. Ignition lead support tube (both sides of the engine).
3. Fuel primers (left side of engine cylinders).
4. Carburettor pre-heating gallery.
5. Carburettor pre-heating pipe.
6. Carburettor pre-heating pipe.
7. Carburettor pre-heating supply pipe.
8. Ignition leads (both sides of the engine).
9. Carburettor control rod.
10. Fuel supply connection (possibly).
11. Bleed pipe (possibly).
12. Valve gear push rods (6 each side of the engine).
13. Oil filter and pipe.


I've made a start by cutting away the pre-moulded and flat coolant pipe across the bottom of the cylinders.
This was replaced by 0.8 mm diameter styrene rod inserts.
Also the ignition leads support tubes were made from flattened 0.6 mm diameter brass tube.


Next up are the cylinder fuel primers,


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Hi all,
The engine is as complete as I can get it.
I've added some details:

Ignition leads support tubes
Ignition leads
Valve gear push rods
Cylinder fuel primers
Float chamber fuel supply
Magneto spark advance rod
Throttle control rod
Carburettor interconnection rod and levers
Rear engine pipes and tachometer drive.
Coolant pipe through cylinder bases
Coolant supply pipe from water pump.

The engine controls will be attached to the fuselage/cockpit later in the build.
Now onto the fuselage,





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Hi all,
The basic fuselage internals are done.
Although no rigging is necessary I have added the rudder and elevator control lines.
I've also added extra fuel pipes to the main fuel tank and the 'Telefunken' wireless aerial wire, wrapped around the spool on the set in the gunners cockpit.
Finally the two filler caps on the right side forward from the pilots cockpit - I assume these were for fuel and coolant.
I've not fitted the two aileron control rods from the cockpit as they can be easily broken during subsequent handling.
I've tested and they can be fitted later but before the engine is finally fitted.
The engine shot below is test fitted only.







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Hi all,
The hinged engine access doors had more detail than provided on the basic doors that are supplied in the kit.
Also Wingnut Wings chose to have four bracing ribs moulded onto the inside of both panels.
However, The only photographs of these panels, either at the time or museum aircraft, don't show four bracing ribs.

They seem to have been located on the doors as either:
    Two ribs - front and forward
    Three ribs - forward, centre and rear
    Two ribs - forward and centre.

Also there are details that needed to be added:
    Lightening holes in the bracing ribs
    Retaining cable or rod
    Additional bracing tubes
     Ports from the external cooling air louvres (right door only)
    Access panels to the engine (left door).

I opted for the three ribs (forward, centre and rear) as shown below.
The ribs were cut from 0.5 mm thick styrene sheet and drilled using 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm diameter drills.
The bracing tubes are flattened 0.7 mm diameter Brass tube.
Cooling ports and access panels were cut from 0.2 mm thick styrene sheet.




Now onto the locking plates for the two access panels.



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Hi all,
A few updates.
The 'Aviattic' 5 colour faded lozenge decal applied.
Also the kit supplied decals.
I had to print the serial number for this particular aircraft.
I've fitted the tail plane, fin and rudder.
Also the two flare racks, engine Tachometer and pilots mirror.

Now it's weathering before assembly,







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Hi all,
I've dry brushed the metal corrugations of the wings, fin, rudder and tail plane, plus the struts, to give an effect of paint wear over Duraluminium.
The fin support struts, tail skid and aileron control rods have also been added.
The lower wing and struts are fitted as is the engine.

Now onto the fitting of the upper wing,




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Hi all,
Ask me how I know 😠
The upper wing, although hollow, is still a relatively heavy and large piece of the model.
As such, when attached to just the four outer struts, it will move and twist until the four inboard struts are fitted, which will make the fit of the wing more rigid.
Until then the upper wing can easily shear away from the four outer struts!!
Therefore it’s best to restrain upper wing movement as much as possible for the remaining construction of the model.
I used sponge packing pieces inserted between the wings, held in place by elastic bands around the wings and packing.



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Hi all,
The Junkers J.1 model is now complete apart from the propeller and exhaust stack, which are on their way from the Ukraine.
Here are the figures to accompany the aircraft.
I just have a refueling drum to finish.

As usual I'll post completed shots once the model is on its display base,






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,
Just an update.
The Junkers J.1 is still waiting for its propeller and exhaust to arrive from Ukraine.
They've been in transit since the 6th so I'm hoping they'll arrive soon.
Once they do I'll be able to post photographs of the completed model,


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