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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Angelic Voice


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I thought I share something that had my eyes well up a bit.The girl is fifteen years old and small due to a health condition but her voice knows no bounds,The lyrics first for those of us who know little French any more......

[Verse 1]
Listen to me, me, the half singer
Talk about me, to your loved ones, to your friends
Tell them about this little girl with black eyes and crazy dreams
What I want is to write stories that you will hear about
That's all

Voilà, voilà, voilà, here is who I am
Here I am, even if I'm scared as I'm naked, yes
Here I am in the noise and in silence

[Verse 2]
Look at me, or at least what's left of it
Look at me, before I hate myself
What can I say that another hasn't already said?
I don't have much, but I place here what I do have

Voilà, voilà, voilà, here is who I am
Here I am, even if it's the end as I'm naked
That's my face, that's my scream, here I am, never mind
Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà right here
Me, my dream, my will, how I'm dying from it, how I'm laughing at it
Here I am in the noise and in silence
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[Verse 3]
Do not leave, I'm begging you to stay for a long time
It might not save me, no
But I don't know how to live without you
Love me how you would love a friend who's leaving forever
I want to be loved, because I don't know myself how to like the shape of me

Voilà, voilà, voilà, here is who I am
Here I am, even if it's the end as I'm naked
Here I am in the noise and in rage too
Finally, look at me and my eyes and my hands
All I have is here, it's my face, it's my scream
Here I am, here I am, here I am
Voilà, voilà
Voilà, voilà
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1 hour ago, Peterpools said:


Thank you for posting the link .. she is a gift, her voice is magnificent, her courage knows no bounds and her illness is so terrible.  


I agree Peter I had French some 40 years ago for four semesters could read it OK and comprehend most at that time not so much anymore but I caught the drift,conversation just listening.I listened to a fella today a Heavy Metal singer do his rendition of "Amazing Grace" except for one small part were I thought the voice was to strong the rest was magnificent,soft and powerful.I like most that commented said is may be the best rendition out there maybe being it was like no other.;)

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Wow!  At least they could have sept the venue up before the performance. It looked like dust was getting in everyone’s eyes.  
She does have a gift.  One thing I never got in life was a drop of musical talent. From reading sheet music, singing, trying to play an instrument, nada, none, zilch.  Hell, I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, wheelbarrow or my truck.  

On a related subject of the paralyzed stomach, I’m starting to hear a lot of cases popping up now due to the abuse of the Type 2 diabetes medication Ozympic being used for weight loss.  When I first heard about this diet fad I knew it wouldn’t end well.  Sure enough, people have brought this same issue on themselves instead of just eating properly. 

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