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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 Trumpeter Me 262A-2A

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Hey Fellas,


Well I've been working on this for a while so it's about time to start a WIP.




I've got the Aires 'pit and wheel wells along with the Big Ed set and will be using a mix of both, along with a bit of scratch thrown in. The Aires stuff is superbly detailed but (as always) is a right biatch to fit! The Dremel's seen a lot of action.....Also got some very nice Barracuda Cast wheels.




Just got the 'pit finished and painted up. Got to do the seat once the HGW belts arrive.















I'm now trying to force the Aires nose undercarriage bay into the fuse...Just about there I think with a little kit modification








No idea of a scheme yet, but I'll think about that a bit later on.


Cheers Guys,



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  • 1 month later...

Hey fellas,


Well I think I'm way overdue an update, so here goes.....


Fuselage halves together and Aries pit installed after putting up a pretty hefty fight.....















Got the wings in place and after a fair bit of filler got it primed and pre-shaded. There were a few fit issues with this (as Doogs mentioned in his build). I found the wing/fuselage join and the engine/wing joins needed a fair bit of work. Also around the nose area too, so watch out if you're thinking of doing one of these...









Top coats were done with the Lifecolor acrylic Luftwaffe paint set. Nice paint when I finally got the mix right, that took a bit of practice.....I decided on the box art scheme of RLM 81, 82 & 76 as it looks kinda funky....












And that's where I'm at right now. I'm just giving it an initial wash, as you can see on the wings, and then I'll dirty her up a bit.


Cheers guys.



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Cheers Doogs, the Lifecolor is pretty strange stuff! I primed with Alclad and the Lifecolor initially went down pretty awful - so awful in fact that I thought I'd junked it.


Once it had dried though it was a perfect finish. As you say, strange. The other coats went on great. Weird stuff.

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