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F4U-1 Birdcage Interior Detail Set


Catalogue # 32 781
Available from Eduard for €14.38
Bunny Fighter Club price: €12.23


Continuing with the reviews of all the Eduard sets currently available for the Tamiya F4U-1 Corsair, we now take a look at the Interior set. This is the full interior set, #32781. There is also a "Zoom" set available which does not include much of the pre-painted panelling or most of the second fret. For the extra cost, this set is by far the better choice in my opinion.


So, what do you get for your money in this one?Two frets of brass is the answer, one plated and painted fret measuring 70 x 59mm with 75 parts and one unplated fret, measuring 111 x 70mm with 81 parts.


The instrument panel and associated gauges are made up by laminating the gauge faces behind the panel itself. Sealed off with a drop of clear to replicate the glass, these panels will look awesome and really bring your cockpit to life.


Fret 1..




As you can see, most of the parts are pre-painted, saving time as you build and giving you that superdetail that it would be near impossible to do with a paint brush. Much of this fret is also self adhesive..








Moving onto the larger unplated fret, we can see that much of the cockpit structure and ancillary equipment is included here...




All of this thin sheet metalwork will raise your cockpit detail even higher than the wonderful Tamiya kit already does.. remember, the Corsair has a very deep cockpit with no floor as such, so is a major feature on any model, especially at this large scale.


Here we can see the multi laminate design to accurately replicate the lever block attached to the starboard cockpit sidewall.




More detail parts...




The set is supplied in the usual clear plastic envelope with card insert. Also included are 4 sides of black and white printed A5 paper instructions. I have downloaded and printed off the instructions in colour, All Eduard instructions are available on their site as pdf. files.


Sheet 1, Side consoles and rudder pedals are covered here...




Sheet 2 looks at the bulkhead, IP, seat and "floor" structures.




Sheet 3 covers yet more detail on the cockpit sidewalls and canopy framing. Notice top right the lever block we looked at close up earlier...




Sheet 4 covers how to use the self adhesive panels.




So there we have it, a very comprehensive detail set for a very comprehensive kit. I will be using all of the reviewed Eduard sets on my Corsair build here on LSM very soon. This is one section of the model I am really looking forward to, as it is such a major part of any Corsair model. Is this set worth the money? You bet it is!!


Sincere thanks to Eduard for supplying this and all the other F4U review sets seen here on LSM.







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  • Administrators

Loving this one. Why do I want to build this one? Might try to hold out for the regular, non-birdcage type.

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