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1:32 Spitfire Mk.IX Stencils

HGW 'Wet Transfer' series
Catalogue # 232001
Available from HGW for 159,- Kč




Today we have the first product from a brand new line by HGW; the Wet Transfer stencil series. Basically, this means they are water-slide decals, but this really is an area that HGW have never previously tapped, and what better a way to start than to release a set for the iconic Spitfire Mk.IX.




This set is packaged into the same letterbox format sleeve as the seatbelt and detail sets which we see from HGW. To protect their product further, a stiff cardboard insert does the honours. Now, when I say these are water-slide decals, they do have a difference from the regular kit options, and that is that these leave NO CARRIER film in place when they are attached. These work in very much the same way as HGW's wood nail and rivet decals. In case you haven't seen an article on these, this is how they work.

  • Cut out required decal
  • Soak in warm water and slide from backing paper
  • Apply to your model using a decal setting solution such as Mr Mark Setter
  • Leave for two hours, then remove carrier film
  • Use a wet cotton bud to remove any glue residue/marks





Simple as that! This is almost the equivalent of having masks for your stencils, which of course is impossible due to the nature of the stencil size etc. These should look almost entirely sprayed on!


The decal sheet itself is pretty comprehensive, including wing walkway lines, trestle points, etc, and of course the beauty of applying the walkway lines in this format is that they will be perfectly straight each time due to the application method, and only removing the carrier film once the decal is attached. Printing is excellent, and everything is in perfect register, despite there only being two ink colours in use.

When all decals are in place, I would seal everything over with gloss varnish in order to protect the delicate inks.




An A4 sheet is included which clearly shows all decal locations, with everything clearly numbered, and where a specific decal is only to be used with the early Mk.IX, this is clearly indicated.


That's it. Not a lot to say really, except this really is quite a ground-breaking product for the modeller. I have never seen stencils which come in this format before. Having used the rivet and wood nail decals, I just know these will be excellent. It makes me wonder whether whole national marking decals could be produced in this way, without the need for carrier film adding their thickness to the result.


Very highly recommended


James H


Our sincere thanks to HGW for this review sample. To purchase directly, click THIS link.



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