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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Airfix Hawker Typhoon

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This looks almost nostalgic for me now. Your seam removal will pay off massively when you start to add those pipes to the engine. They fit pretty well, but needed a little persuasion in places.


You might find it useful to tape the lower wing to the model when you start to work on the cockpit paint job and engine finishing. The model seems to tip forward due to the engine weight and the wing makes it easier to handle instead of those fragile spars.

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Thanks George and Jim,

Good advice. I looked at those pipes yesterday and did some (head)scratching how to tackle them. The instructions sure are vague at best.

But fit is indeed very good, provided you clean up well and it takes lots of dryfitting.



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Update as promised.

Detailpainting has begun. After the structure had been sprayed aluminium i applied some floorpolish. Later a wash will be applied.

I painted the floorboards black and with a cotton bud with some thinner scuffed the surface. I like the result, another first.






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Boy, this group build is sloooow. But I'm on a roll here. Cleaned up the wash a bit. Will do a similar dirt wash later to show depth in the nooks and crannies. Fitted the seat and control column. The belly panel also received a wash.

I do not care about ejector marks as you can see on the seat. But the cockpit sure gives a very nice Tiffy office look. I am very pleased about the leather backcushion. Next the Radu Brinzan sest belts and Peter's instrument decals.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Update without pics unfortunately. Due to some strange reason I cannot seem to upload any pics from Photobucket since my

Ipad has been updated.

The wingundersurfaces are in place, the spars and ribs ready for spraying. Fit so far is very very good bar some cleaning up.

I have removed the cowling panel from the fuselage halves. This will enable the fuselage to be cemented and later fitted over

the cockpit. This way the fit can hopefully better monitored. Dryfitting the upperwing to the fuselage is great but is just

dryfitting. The radiator faces by Radu Brinzan are fantastic and a must for this kit. They really look like a real radiator and

are a drop fit. Same goes for the paper belts, fiddly to make but they look great.

Kudo's to Airfix for setting the new standard here.

Hopefully pics next time.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another pickless update, still usable to use photobucket. Anyone else having the same trouble?

The Tiffy has defeated me at the moment. Until the fitting of the engine cowlings every went well.

The fit of the cowling is not good and of course the kit is designed to let all bowels hang out.

As I am one of the keep everything shut brigade, I have called oud the wrath of ye gods.

I have removed the engine, then could not fit the assembled cowling with engine because of

The carburettor duct, I then had to cut away the bearers. After that everything lined up fine.

The engine was then fitted from the top to be able to fit the prop and exhausts. yippee you may

Think. The fuselage now does not fit. So back into the loft for another try in the future.

Time for something less stressvol such as a Tamiya Mustang.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm this GB doesn't generate any interest. Still can't post pics. Yesterday I worked on the Tiffy again and the problem of fitting the fuselage has been solved. The wings and fuse are now happily married.

Still can't figure out why I cannot post pics from photobucket. Must have a hole in it.


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