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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 A.M.U.R. Reaver Correction set for Revell Bf 109G-5/6/14


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Catalog # RC3204 AND RC 3205
MSRP: US $18.50
Available from
A.M.U.R. Reaver




The Revell Bf 109G-6 has a lot going for it, primarily a very attractive price and loads of options to build any variant from early to late production.  As with most kits though, there are some areas that are lacking including the fiddly fit of the cowl cheek panels, anemic cowl Beule, incorrect spacing of the gun troughs for the MG 131's, fresh air intake scoops molded solid, supercharger intake missing the characteristic rolled lip and an indifferently shaped oil cooler housing.  A.M.U.R. Reaver from Russia, who incidentally I've never heard of before, has arrived with a correction set to address the aforementioned shortcomings in one fell swoop. 




The set arrives in what I think is a genius stroke in the packaging department, a clear plastic box that not only protects the delicate resin parts admirably but will also soldier on as a handy container for spare parts after the set is used, nicely done!









The set comes in two flavors, one for MTT Regensburg and WNF production G-6s and one for Erla production G-6s.  The Erla set is distinguished by the additional bulge on the starboard side of the cowl.  Many people believe that this bulge was unique to the G-5 but it was actually present on Erla production G-6's without the pressurized cockpit as well.  The centerpiece of the set is the cowl casting, A.M.U.R. Reaver have done away with the multiple part cowl assembly and provided a single casting to replace it.  Cast in a cream resin the part is admirably thin and free of flaws.  Panel lines and detail are faithfully reproduced and the cleavage looks much more convincing with the new Beule.  They've even provided a hole for the starter crank that Revell forgot to include on the kit parts as well.




The rest of the set includes a new oil cooler housing, a new supercharger intake, fresh air scoops and exhaust cutout panels.  The supercharger intake includes the weld bead and the bolt detail on the front lip, very nicely done!




A comparison of the oil cooler housings shows the new resin part captures the contours more accurately than the rather slab sided kit part.




A very quick dry fit looks encouraging, the part should slide into place with little to no drama.


So what do we think?


I have to say I'm pretty impressed, this is a clever way to correct several issues with the Revell Bf 109G-6 and simplifies the construction as well.  The $18.50 price tag is certainly competitive as well since addressing each of the shortcomings individually will add up in a hurry.  Throw in their new spinner and propeller blades and you've got yourself a pretty darn good 1/32 G-6.


Highly Recommended!


Mikey O.


Review copy courtesy of my wallet.


If you found this review helpful and decide to purchase this product, please tell them you read about it at Large Scale Modeller!

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Nice review Mike. Could you actually build a G5 from the kit or do you need this set to be able to do so. I must admit, these sets may be the incentive I need to buy one of Revell's G6. I'v got the G10 and can't wait to start it really.


Cheers Bevan

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Both the AMUR set and the original kit has everything you'll need for a G-5 except the special head armour used on all 109's with pressurised cockpits. There's none available but they should be easy enough to scratch build.


Nice rewview BTW, I've ordered the Erla version and I'm waiting impatiently. :)

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Once again ... a great review on LSM - Thanks Mike!! ... do we have a review on the props and spinners?? If so could we edit a link in there somewhere?


Rog :)


Rog, stay tuned to LSM will be up in the near future!

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