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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

GB : LVG C.VI converted to a Post War Limo


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Hi everyone,


 I had time this week to enlarge the rudder......................


I used a paper cutout from a scaled up photocopy to make the pattern......




Then I did some putty filling with regular Automotive Glazing and Spot Putty (much cheaper that the Green Putty).................




Then a few coats of Mr. Primer Surfacer 1000 and she's ready to go....I might add thin strips of clear decal to simulate ribs but I'll test it on something first to make sure...




All of the wings and flying surfaces will be ready to paint once I check out the rib test and finalize the rudder.


More soon,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Rick! I was waiting for a few items to arrive to continue the build...............


My revised L.V.G. under wing decals and custom photo etch door and window frames (from pktinyland) have arrived.







I needed to wait for the PE so I could make sure the cutouts for the door and windows matched. I now have everything I need to finish the build.


More soon,


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Fran and Bertl! That means a lot coming from you two, I'm honored.


Here is the build as it stands right now. I definitely won't make the deadline but I didn't want to rush anything along just to make the deadline. My work schedule eases up considerably this Friday so my plan is to have the build complete by the end of the year. My sincerest thanks to everyone who followed along and gave me encouragement along the way.








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