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So I have to blame Jim for this one... A little while back, Jim introduced to me to world of 1/6 Collectable figures... So my first one is due to arrive shortly, which is Luke Skywalker, Red 5 X-Wing Pilot during the First Death Star Attack of the Battle of Yavin...




So its fitting that I have a X-wing Built to display Luke next too... So I just had the Bandai 1/48 X-Wing arrive the other day. If you haven't see this kit, check out Jim's review of it here - http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4204-148-x-wing-starfighter-%E2%80%98moving-edition%E2%80%99/




Its going to be built from the box.. As I am aware there is no AM for this! But I may try to add another LED to light up some more of the cockpit...

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I don't think this will fit in the cockpit ;)


.....and I blame YOU!! I never knew about these until you told me, and I've been skint since!

  • Like 2

I don't think this will fit in the cockpit ;)


.....and I blame YOU!! I never knew about these until you told me, and I've been skint since!


Hahaha, Ok should we share the blame then? ;)

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So I finally got to cut a few bits off the sprues last night...


I started off cleaning up the seated figure... Not much to do, a couple of small mold lines on the helmet and shoulders. The gloves kinda disappeared into the plastic in the inner areas, so using a fresh blade, I removed some of the plastic off the arms to give the gloves more depth. Kinda hard to see in the photos the difference but I played with the brightness of the photo so you get an idea... Left side been modified, where the right hasn't




The lower part of the cockpit tub is made up of 4 parts, everything clicks in so nicely it doesn't need glue. But I have glued everything into place to be sure! In this pic you can see the modification to the gloves a bit better too.. The Targeting computer/sight is only push fitted at the moment.. I am not to sure how far it sits back when not in use... So I will need to watch a New Hope or find some pics to double check..




The Fold motor and cockpit dry fitted into the lower fuse half, again Click fits!



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Real nice to see one of these being built. 


I enjoyed the OOB build for my grandson, so I look forward to seeing how you weather this. Sent mine yet? ;)

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ohhh looking forward for this one Dave!!


Like I said, your MOJO is back for good!


So a little more progress on this.. Cockpit has been sprayed with Aircraft Grey from Mr Hobby and I am starting to pick out some of the details with a brush and Vallejo paints. I haven't really done much with this area, as I am in two minds if I want to add another LED and some Fibre Optics to it for lights on the side consoles. There is room underneath between the cockpit and lower fuselage to fit the extra LED.... So yeah! Luke was started of by priming with Tamiya grey primer and then Tamiya Bright Orange that was decanted from the spray can. Using Vallejo all the details were painted and the Helmet decals added to finish it off..








So while I am deciding if I want to go the Fibre Optic way or not... I started to make up some of the other items in to sub assemblies so its easy to click together once the cockpit is ready to be sealed up.




Just like this!



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Having built one, I know this is a great kit. The parts fit is just amazing.


You painting all these sections and adding weathering?


Been working on this over the last few days.. Got a ton of stuff done..


R2 Units built up, not hard as there are only 2-4 parts each.




Cockpit has been finished and painted with Vallejo paints and weathered with AK washes. I tried a new Matt vanish for this too, Its the Ultra Matt varnish from AK... Fantastic stuff! I will have to get a couple more bottles of this stuff! I also painted the interior canopy frames, prior to them being fitted.








Everything has been clipped together, I did find that right side was very tight and it produced a small gap. I had to clamp it down so the glue can set.




Canopy fitted. Nothing special.. I am kinda wishing that I added those extra LEDs now.. Maybe on the next one I will!






Foils/Wings attached and everything finally finished.. With LED's on!






I am not to keen on the stand that comes with the kit, as it only allows you to move the display in a Up or Down motion.. I would like it banking off to the side, so I may strip out the guts of the stand and design something else for it at a later date.




Stripped down, ready for me to mask off the LED's and Canopy, and a coat of primer!



  • Like 3

Very interesting Dave.


How are you using the AK Ultra Matte varnish - with or without thinner?  If with thinner - what thinner, and what ratio?

  • 2 weeks later...

Everything has been primed with Mr Surfacer Black... Then looking at all the different greys I have.. nothing was quite right so quick order to Seal model in HK.. 4 days later I had the paint in hand! Didn't expect that... was thinking it was going to be at least 10-14 days as per normal.




Mr Color C315 was my base colour, looks to be a pretty good match to me!




The inner wing engine pods were painted with Steel and then lines/wiring were picked out with some colour to brighten it up!




Marking stripes were masked off and Mr Neo Sol was dabbed in random spots for some chipping






As this is where I am currently...



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That looks amazing!


What yellow did you use for those areas? This is making me eager to start mine. 


Resist I must.


To much to do I have.


Yeah it's the best stuff that I have found so far. Comes up pretty easy with tape/toothpick or whatever


Back and forth between the spray booth today... I think I am up to 11 different colours so far.. But I can see that the end is near and I can start weathering in the next few days!












I am not really happy with that Baby blue around the engine intakes and panels, so I am going to repaint them with something a shade darker.


I must admit the that I do like the stickers that Bandai have included as I find them helpful to make masks for different panels



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I just watched the new Star Wars yesterday - now I'm itching to do the "new" x-wing that Poe flies. This build is an inspiration - keep it up!


Cheers guys! Moving forward with this again today... Added the last lot of patches to it with the little time I had this afternoon. I am pretty happy with were it at currently. So tomorrow if I get time, I will do a few little touch ups from over-spray etc.. and then I can start the weathering it!


I am open to feed back to.. Anything you thing I need to add/redo etc?






I also repainted those baby blue patches to a darker shade, looks way better I think! I haven't touch the areas around the intakes, I am in two minds about changing it...



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