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Looking for Ideas for What to 3D Print


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Hey everybody. I've been doing a bit of 3D CAD work for some time now and I have set up a shop at shapeways. I'm looking for more projects and I'd like to know what you guys here would like to see. If I think I can do it, I'll try it. If you can provide some basic dimensions, detailed measurements or even a simple drawing with dimensions on of what you'd like to see that'd be great and I'd then be more likely to work that project sooner.


That said, I am not a professional with this program, Autodesk Inventor, and I do this as a side hobby. There are some things I just can't do, some due to limitations of the program, limitations of 3D printing and some just because I don't have the experience. But if I think I can do it, I will try it. One thing though, I can not do wings or large external fuselage pieces. They are too complex fore to work with. They can be printed but I just can't design them with what I have now.


So anyone have any suggestions? :)

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I would love to do replacement fuselage parts for the Revell 1/32 Mosquito. I have three kits stuck in stash for lack of TLC.

I work in ACad and am familiar with Inventor.


Long-term project has been to develop AM for the Revell Mozzie at an affordable level. There has to be a plethora of Revell kits still out there, with modellers hanging out for better parts. Instead of dumping it then shelling out $$ for new-tool releases.

I have PE patterns (interior)  for the 1/32 B Mk IV, XX, FB VI, PR (early) and NF II, XII, 30. Plus placards (interior & exterior) and instrument decals.

A perfect complement would be bomber and FB fuselage options.

And why stop at the fuselage? U/c bay inserts, bomb bay and gun nose anybody?

There's a bit of work to rectify the kit fuz. The price of new resin/plastic would be far more attractive to Joe Kit-basher.


You want projects? I have a list . . .






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I can't believe I forgot to include this in the OP. I can't do fuselage parts. Too complex of shapes to work with the experience in the programs I have. I just installed a new program that should be able to work those shapes but I have no experience in that program yet.


Bays and other inserts I could probably do, I just need references and measurements, which I would prefer you guys supply as it saves me a lot of time. I'm a full time student over and above this little 3D designing thing so I have little time to do much else.

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Sure thing, Mike.

I shouldn't have a problem lofting a fuselage in Inventor.

Now, underwing stores in 1/32nd would be very popular. Fairly straightforward shapes.

Notably, GBUs, AAQ range of FLIR pods, Sniper, ALQ pods and tanks.



Full-time student? Are you studying 3D or is this unrelated and a pleasant distraction from study?


I studied 2D/3D architectural and engineering design some years back. That's how I came by AutCAD.




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Sure thing, Mike.

I shouldn't have a problem lofting a fuselage in Inventor.

Now, underwing stores in 1/32nd would be very popular. Fairly straightforward shapes.

Notably, GBUs, AAQ range of FLIR pods, Sniper, ALQ pods and tanks.



Full-time student? Are you studying 3D or is this unrelated and a pleasant distraction from study?


I studied 2D/3D architectural and engineering design some years back. That's how I came by AutCAD.




Most of those pods should be doable. I'm actually studying Mechanical or Manufacturing engineering currently. But currently not doing anything in the curriculum that involves CAD programs.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess it's been long enough since I updated this. I've finished a few more projects since then and now including sets of M113 ramp pulleys, AN/VIC-3 LV2 (for light vehicles like HMMWVs and even Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats) and Mk 13 torpedoes in 1/350 and 1/700. I've started on another one a couple days ago. The most recent project is to turn the VIC-3 model into a new AN/VIC-5(V) TacG2. I am nearly finished with the model and will have it published on my Shapeways shop by then.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't know if you like WWI subjects, but I have an interesting part that is maybe worth making.  So the back story is Copper State Models came out with these beautiful Austro Daimler 160 and 200 engines in 1/32.  These are really spectacular.  NOw I got to thinking, what can I do with this engine?  One of the things that came to mind was a Fokker DVII MAG.  I'm not a super historian in this area, but I believe the Austrians license built the Fokker DVII but they put their own engines in them.  So I thought if I put this beautiful engine in the Fantastic WNW Fokker kits, that would be a really interesting version.  No one makes it in 1/32, only 1/48th.  So this is where you come in.....it has a different radiator!  So what if you did the radiator for this conversion.  You would be the only game in town, and if anyone wanted to do this version, then they could use your parts.  it's simple, but something needed......

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