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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

1/32 Hasegawa Fw-190 A5/U12 2./JG11 Lt. Erich Hondt

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Hi Guys,


Here is a build of a 1/32 Hasegawa Fw-190 A5 into a A5/U12.

I builded it in the colours of a ace of the western front. He flew this plane at 2./JG11 in the Autumn of 1943. on 8 October 1943 he was shot down in this plane and was heavy wounded, but he recovered and flew in the last period of the war on Me-262's with JV44 from Adolf Galland near München. He did survive the war.


The U12 stands for Umrüstungssats 12(conversion 12). The conversion are two gun packs with both 2 MG 151/20 in it.

They are meant to deal with the American bombers that got in a big force over Germany.

This also increased the armament of the A5 to 6 x 20 mm guns and 2 x 7,92 mm MG 17's.


I have also used on this build a wheel set from True details, some gun barrel tips from a left over set from Master and a resin seat from ???

The gun barrels for the 20 mm guns were all made from brass tubing.


Here are some pictures of the model.

















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