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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

What's the biggest part you have lost during a build


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So here's an interesting topic, what's the largest kit part that you have lost during a build. For me that's the tamiya's il-2 sturmovick rear gun. At some point I moved some stuff and now I can't find it so the model stands with no rear gun until I purchase eduard's resin replacement.

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Come to think of it.

I have lost important parts before and started to scratch build them, only to find them when almost being done with the selfmade replacement.

It's like starting an expensive and complex resin kit of a subject is asking for Revell to bring it on the market!!



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I'm tempting fate here, I know!  So far, the largest piece I've lost is a bit of PE brass, for which I had to scratch-build a replacement.  

Everything else I've been able to find - sooner or later, usually after much cursing.

now having said all that, fate will cause me to lose the entire fuselage of my next project! :D

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The entire lower hull of my Trumpeter T-69 tank. Assembled, puttied, sanded, cool. Washed it to get all the sanding dust off. Put in on the hood of Mommas truck to dry. Came back out a while later, 45 minutes, and her truck was gone. Quick trip to store. Got on bike and found what was left about 3 blocks away.

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Mine was a bit similar to Paul's and it happened on my current build. Four Sparrow missiles in the process of being painted and suddenly there were three?! 

Like Jeroen my first suspect was the missus, but the missing item turned up later in the bed of our younger dog, Salty - well chewed! Must have got knocked on the floor and he regards anything he can reach as fair game. 

DennisE kindly sent me a replacement all the way from NZ. :)

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