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1:43 Millennium Falcon




Well, if you want EPIC, then this has to be the definition. In the next weeks, I'll start to put together an abridged build log for this model. For more info, check here: http://www.model-space.com/us/build-millennium-falcon.html


Now, I simply can't build this 'as is'. That wouldn't be sporting...with all that interior detail etc. This will be enhanced further with multiple exterior lights, fibre optics in the interior, as well as lights in the corridors etc. It will also have some 3D-printed additions, as well as pulsating hyperdrive lights to replace the standard blue LED display. There will be other additions, but they are yet in planning stage. A number of mods on here, including some nice Paragrafix photo etch.


How does that sound?

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  On 3/8/2017 at 8:30 PM, crazypoet said:

Love it!  How many of the packs have you received?


At the moment, I have 81, but in the next week or so, I will have the entire 100.


I also have a lighting mod kit coming for the myriad of underside lights, two pulsating blue LED hyperdrive light units, 3D printed main hold arches/engine heat exhausts and fans/maintenance pit, Paragrafix cockpit and corridor sets.


I have yet to get the turret PE set and more 3D printed stuff, as well as pipe this up for flashing/blinking fibre optics too.


....maybe other stuff also.

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Nice!  Who did the lighting mod?  I found and ordered the ParaGrafix PE kits for the Hold, Cockpit, Gun bays and Corridor, but hadn't seen any light kits.  Some of that I can do myself, but it's nice to have some help along the way.


i look forward to your build - this thing has lots of room to play!

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The pulsating lights for the engine are here: http://www.falcon3dparts.com/falcon_lights_set/


For the underside lights, this is what I will install: http://mybuildsandmods.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_28.html?m=1


This includes: 

  • Landing Lights Left 9 Led's (White 3mm)
  • Landing Lights Right 11 Led's (White 3mm)
  • Warning Lights Left 8 Led's (Red 2mm)
  • Warning Lights Right 6 Led's (Red 2mm)
  • Cockpit Warning Lights 2 Led's (Red 2mm)

Also check out this page of 3D prints. I have my eyes on a few: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/308bits?section=Falcon DeAgo&sort

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Here are a few shots of my Falcon. I've had more fun with this model than any in a long time. I've taken out stock in Shapeways, and have several lighting options in mine. (Fiber, the pulsing lights, landing lights) the sky is the limit on this!




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Great stuff Mark. Hope you'll guide us through some of your mods and stuff. 


Galactic enlightenment! 

  On 3/9/2017 at 7:25 PM, James H said:

Great stuff Mark. Hope you'll guide us through some of your mods and stuff. 


Galactic enlightenment! 


Anything I can do to help! I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this build, so I can speak towards just about every aspect of it.

  On 3/10/2017 at 2:19 AM, Experten said:

Anything I can do to help! I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this build, so I can speak towards just about every aspect of it.


I'm interested in your approach to the cockpit.  The kit version, well, stinks.  I've already ordered a PE upgrade, but just saw a full 3D printed version that improves on the PE.  Which way did you go on yours?


i'm not looking for movie-exact, but having lumps and bumps and switches seems sorta basic

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Feel free to open this topic to Falcon discussion too. This could prove real useful for getting the most out of this model.


Only built the lower hull of mine, up to about issue 46 even though  I have up to issue 81 too.
Will be watching with interest as I think my life will be busy with work for at least the next few months :)

Guest DannyVM

Wow, i'm not really a Star Wars fan, but this one sure is a really interesting project to build.......11 kg.....are you kidding James:o





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Work begins!


It was discovered pretty early on that DeAgostini screwed up the cockpit cone and as a result, they put a replacement into a later issue. Here you see the original cone, dry fit to the corridor tube. As I also don't plan to build this as per instructions, the lower metal frame will be built first. Once I'm happy with that, and there have been some parts misshapen, then I will add the external cladding. From here I then intend to undo each screw and add a little thread-lock adhesive into there so nothing comes loose later in assembly.





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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sorry for the lack of updates on this. This model has taken over my workshop (quite literally) and my life (in between my Fw 189).


At this stage I have both upper and lower hull plates complete and plated. Some slackening of the framing was needed to allow the hull plates to sit flush to each other. Once complete, the screws were secured with thread-lock to stop them coming loose inside this behemoth of a model. Here you see the frame assembly, ramp installation and the section that sits between the mandibles. I'll try to get a photo of the complete hull dishes real soon. I tell you, this model is seriously amazing. So pleased I decided to fork out the cash for it.







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Geezz....If i could have gotten my hands on this when i was 12, I would have suffered a heart attack right then an there...

Lovely clean work so far...

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  On 3/10/2017 at 1:08 PM, crazypoet said:

I'm interested in your approach to the cockpit.  The kit version, well, stinks.  I've already ordered a PE upgrade, but just saw a full 3D printed version that improves on the PE.  Which way did you go on yours?


i'm not looking for movie-exact, but having lumps and bumps and switches seems sorta basic


I am actually using a blend of Paragrafix, and 308Bits parts. (Shapeways) the 308 parts allow for some 300 strands of fiber, which I'll be doing all of. The pilots console, however, will be the Paragrafix parts. The lines are cleaner, and the decal with the cutouts will allow for more lights, right up front. (This was a decision I made last night, after pondering how to get the front looking good)


I'm also going with 308Bits gunners pits. The same reason; tons of blinking fiber. I've sent James a LED setup, and I'm quite eager to see what he does with it. 

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Can you show me how you'll go with the cockpit and stuff? I want to use the Paragrafix console but interested in how the rest of this will work. How can this be used with fibre?


Attached are the photos of the 308Bits parts, including one backlit by the sun. (You don't have that there, I hear. Just grey clouds) it gives an indication of all the fiber. On just the back wall alone, there will be 136 strands. I plan on using the kit provided light fissure to light up the light bars. The other is of the 308 console, and the Paragrafix center. James can plunk in a photo of the decals for this area. I'm waiting repkacements for my set. The difference is obvious. The Paragrafix set will really pop this highly visible part of the cockpit. 





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