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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

J2M3 Raiden Hasegawa Finished

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Hola Senhoras e Senhores,

the review of James H reminded me that I owe you some pictures of my recently finished Raiden. So here is the result of my first WIP in LSM.https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/5192-hasegawa-j2m3-raiden-in-between-build/

The built and painting was very enjoyable and problem free. Fit, design and detailing where on the money. The only slight downside is that you have to close some openings in the cowling for a change of armory and some cuts have to be made to mount the guns in the wings instead. Not a biggie, but what I didn't like too much was the absence of seatbelts, as I planned an OOB-build. When the painting of the included pilot will be finished, i will address that subject.
I decieded against using decals and used Maketar masks instead.

Feel free to critizise. Recommendations for enhancing my techniques are also very welcome.

Cheers Rob







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Hi Bevan,

I used the Maketar masks for my Corsair build (https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4920-another-corsair-daphne-c-no-7-flown-by-james-cupp/) and the Raiden is the second time. They are trouble free to use, exactly fitting, pre cutted and adhere perfectly right. In the Maketar shop you can chose between Kabuki style or vinyl masks-sets. I went for the Kabuki (paperesque) ones, because I believe they dont shrink and they don't bent as much as the vinyl ones. If you plan to purchase them there is no need to buy seperate mask sets for the canopies, because they are included.

I have some more sets in my stash (1/24 Typhoon, DO 335, and generic Sets for Ensignia), because I don't trust decals that much. Using masks allows you to be much more defined and subtle about blending these parts in. No silvering, no mirroring under a matte coat and no transfer film is bueno for me, albeit I will give the HGW Wet Transfers a try in future projects.  

Cheers Rob


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