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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. I just bought a Revell 4849 1/32 BAe Hawk T.1 RAF Kit on eBay :-) Are you doing yours black?
  2. Arrived at Hobbytown USA to find both Tamiya pastels I was looking for plus my wife supplied me with some pastel pencils. Looking forward to adding this skill level to my list of modeling abilities :-)
  3. That's okay I just bought a Revell 4849 1/32 BAe Hawk T.1 RAF Kit on eBay for $25.40!! Flory Models in the UK reviewed it and said its a must have kit. Beautiful build straight out of the box!! So if the said I must have then it was okay, lol!!
  4. Beautiful job so far. I really like the seats. They look fantastic!!!
  5. Look what I got today!! Ju88 weathering here I come!!
  6. You need an intervention, lol!!!
  7. Boy Paul that looks so good. I'm going to experiment this weekend with the pastels.
  8. Yay my new Paasche Talon Airbrush is here!!! Can't wait to experiment this weekend! Was also very happy to receive a free Iwata Neo replacement needle chuck for the one that broke in my Neo Airbrush last week. Thank you Iwata for fantastic customer service!
  9. How do you seal it once finished?
  10. Oh cool I'll watch this with great interest!! I just ordered aTamiya German Panther Medium Tank model kit as my first journey into armor for the Beaches to Berlin group build!
  11. Wow as usual you guys never let me down! Looks like I need to experiment with Tamiya, MIG and PanPastels and see which works the best. Headed to the hobby shop tomorrow and will post the results of that visit. Looking forward to applying the pastels to the Ju88!! Another hobby skill door has open for me, lol!!
  12. I had a horrible time with the decals in my kit!!! Buying a vintage kits saves money but I will always order new decals from now on!!
  13. Kent. I saw Tamiya's weathering products last night on eBay. I'm headed to the hobby shop tomorrow to further my investigation. While I've been pleased with the liquid washes I can see that I'm nearing the skill level where I need more control and precise application. Especially when it comes to nightfighters and shading and bring interest to black, lol!!
  14. Thanks Chris. I had seen PanPastels weathering products on eBay last night as I was doing some brand research. You review on FB was very helpful indeed. I'm going to visit my local hobby shop tomorrow to investigate further. Do you have to set the pastels with anything and will they move when Future is applied?
  15. I also posted this on my FB group. Question: I've been using Vallego washes but interested in using powdered weathering pastels. I see that Tamiya makes several weathering kits but I'm unsure concerning these products as I've never used them. What do you use??
  16. Sleep tight Fw190!! Oh and Rick too, lol!!
  17. Wow your seat work looks absolutely fantastic. Love the seatbelts! Who makes them?
  18. Boy those doors came out nice!!! :-)
  19. Fantastic!! Like the weather especially on the wheeled dolly!! Looks great!
  20. Wow super job so far. Really like the camouflage work!
  21. Pardon this but Holy Shit Rick you sawed the tail off your 190!!! That warp is amazing!! Is that kit all resin?? I could never do that, lol!!
  22. Good Lord that's astounding craftsmanship!!!
  23. OMG say it isn't so!! I thought I felt a rip in the time-warp continuum and a disruption in the force, lol!!
  24. Holy smokes excellent job Dave. Really like the faded paint and panel line details. Fantastic looking model!
  25. Cees those D-Day pants look fantastic. I'm going to steal your technique when I do my P38J for the Beaches to Berlin build. What a great job!!
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