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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. LOve the mask. I think I'm going to order one for the Hind. Looking good by the way!
  2. Look at you!!! Another winged thing :-0!! I'm so proud. I've been enjoying Helicopter land lately and I have finished a Revell 1/48 HH-53C, a Revell UH-34D and working on a Mil-24D Hind! Arno and I are almost ready to start our Skype Hawker Hunter builds. I recieved a beautiful resin cockpit for it and a friend is making me Canadian 1960 emblems and numbers for it even if they never flew them, lol!! Hope all is well with you and I love your new build! Hope I don't get in trouble posting a picture for you to see?
  3. Got a surprise it the mail. Revel sent me replacement clear parts for my now completed Ju88C-6 for free!! I had ordered and offered to pay but the invoice said zero. Now I have complete Ju88A kit with an optional C canopy and complete external bomb racks. Looks like a possible future Ju88 build, lol.
  4. Very nice indeed!
  5. I think the hairspray effect worked very well. I like that look :-)
  6. So what exactually happened with the paint?
  7. OMG Steve super super job. You should be very proud of this. In my humble oppinion you're spot on with it. Look forward to seeing your Hawker Hunter build, lol!!!
  8. Love the free-hand stuff Tony!! I'll have to try that!
  9. Nope but I will when your finished!
  10. Yea I'm done buying kits, lol!! A 20 kit stash is out of control as far as I'm concern! Way enough to keep me busy!! Would love to have you join us with the Hunter however so be a man and buy that kit, lol!!! By the way love Burnaby BC. I was Manager of the Port Angelas WA Radio Shack across the straits and sailed my sailboat to Victoria, Komox, Desolation Sound, Vancouver etc. Love that area.
  11. Oh cool I just bought a Tamiya 1/35 M48A3 Patton on eBay for $20.00!!! You should buy a Revell 1/32 Hawker4 Hunter and Skype build it with Arno and I?
  12. Looking good Cees! Love the panel line and rivet detail.
  13. Very cool Tony and nice to see without all that weathering. Looks great!!
  14. Outstanding build Tony. I did a 1/32 British P-51 Shark-tooth Squadron Aircraft a few years ago and loved the build. Great job.
  15. I agree and there's tons of aftermarket stuff being produced to add a lot of bling to an already great kit!
  16. Welcome Tony and fantastic job on the Hurricane!! Really like the scheme. Very realistic indeed!
  17. Tony watch out for that resin nose kit as it's a bear!!!
  18. I really admire your craftsmanship! Your engine detail looks so lifelike that it appears that it could run!!! Excellent work!!
  19. Simply incredible!!! I'm speechless every time you post!
  20. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent!!! What a great job!!! I love it :-)
  21. Wow Cees great scratch build. I just scratch built miniguns for the HH-53C I just finished. Thought I'd jump in with both feet and was pleased with the outcome. I was so motivated buy my success that I bought a few pieces of plastic etc when I was at the hobby shop today in case there is a need for further scratch building!!
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