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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Amazing how far aviation/space technology has progressed in 100 years. Absolutely mind blowing!
  2. You can send me a free kit to build and I'll publish my efforts, lol!!
  3. Well then it's blessed now, lol!!
  4. Absolutely beautiful kit. Fantastic review James. Love the rivet details throughout the model. Is there a US price yet?
  5. Very cool. Following this build with great interest. Can't imagine the noise in the cockpit with that ram-jet running. We built one when I was a teen. It worked really well but wow the noise!!
  6. Definitely a minimalist cockpit for a one way trip. Not sure I'd like to attempt a bailout before detonation however!!
  7. Fabulous work. Your engine looks as if it was just shutdown!! Beautiful!1
  8. Thanks so much for the wiring advice. I've been doing research on the wiring and tubing of the Ju88 landing gear bay and struts so intend to use it as my first foray into that skill. My wire has tons of hobby wire in a million sizes, shapes and colors, "see picture" but will visit Home Depot for solder as I can see where that would form easier. I'll forward you picks as I progress. Ralph.
  9. Very cool!! Will look forward to seeing your progress.
  10. Beautiful work Aaron! Love the color scheme. I'm going to build a display base for my Ju88. I think that really adds to the models presentation.
  11. I'm speechless. Simply breathtaking craftsmanship!!
  12. Wow that looks incredible!!! I can't wait to master that degree of craftsmanship!
  13. Is that self adhesive foil that you have on the boot and clamps? I'll start the Ju88 gear next week!
  14. Well Arno looks like you had a fine day!! Love the furniture guy! He does some beautiful work. That conference table is amazing! I'm also a lover of Riva Yachts. They do exquisite craftsmanship from their runabouts to their 88' yachts!! Oh like you friend car too, lol! Are you on Facebook?
  15. My skill set is still in diapers compared to yours!!! Incredible craftsmanship!! Really enjoy seeing your builds!
  16. Wow look at that!!! Love the decals. Do you spray a coat of Future before you do decals?
  17. He looks so real!!! Love the shading around his face and hands!! His leather jacket is amazing!!
  18. Looks perfect to me. You didn't use that gun to shoot your wife did you, lol!!!
  19. Looking good Tom. Like the instrument and cockpit detail. Concerning the colors, if you have a smart phone there's a free app called "iModelkit" that has all the manufactures paints and matching manufactures paints. I use it all the time to compare!
  20. Very nice detail! Love the color scheme!
  21. Like your camouflage masking. I'll have to steal that, lol!! Fantastic looking aircraft. I have a Hawker Typhoon that I'm looking forward to building.Thanks for posting your build.
  22. LOL I'm not buying another kit until I'm down from eight waiting to zero on the shelf, lol!! I have enough to keep me busy until the new year.
  23. Voted but oddly I'm with the guys on the Greek scheme!
  24. Recent and last eBay great deal for a while as I have eight models waiting in the wings now, lol!!! DeHavilland Mossie!! I was going to order a nose kit for it but might reconsider and build it as the "City of Edmonton".
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