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Everything posted by rieser

  1. Hasegawa's 32nd scale Fw190 D-9 done for the Luftwaffe SIG "1945" GB. Special thanks to Mal Mayfield for cutting the "Black 6" masks - cheers Mal! Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph. WIP thread: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4096-fw190-d-9-black-6-iiijg-2/
  2. Nice to see another somewhat unusual scheme.
  3. Very nice model Mauricio. Hope to see more of your work here soon. Cheers, Ralph.
  4. "Ride it like you stole it" Rog. Cheers, Ralph.
  5. Ready for the wrapping paper... Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  6. An oldie, but a goodie. Can't vouch for the underside colour - could have been unpainted; or the aerial arrangement - reflects one of a number of variations modelled on the net. Canopy left unglued as the new owner likes them that way. Afew WIP pics here: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4282-148-tamiya-g4m-betty/ Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  7. Almost there - needs to be ready for Xmas Eve. Nothing fancy - just some AK and A.MIG panel line washes; some AK Engine Grime smudged about in a few places on the undersides; and AK Ultra Matte varnish for the flat coat. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  8. Good to see your progress Mike. Good to see the saw-tooth camo pattern again too, as you don't see it that often.
  9. Very interesting Dave. How are you using the AK Ultra Matte varnish - with or without thinner? If with thinner - what thinner, and what ratio?
  10. Fran: yes - camo was freehand. Gave up trying for tight demarcation lines - luckily the green overspray blended into the brown. Not so lucky where the top colours meet the underside grey - hat will need more work. Will then try to pull things together with the washes etc.
  11. 48th. Frightening. No feel at all for the scale. The Montex meatball masks are 3-4 mm smaller in diameter than the decals. Who's right? Who's wrong?? Ah too bad - I'll use the masks anyway.
  12. Quickie for a Christmas present... 1:1 XF-52 Flat Earth and XF-64 Red Brown for the Earth Brown. Post-shaded with XF-52, and then 3:1 XF-59 Desert Yellow and XF-64. XF-61 Dark Green for the Dark Green. Post-shaded with 2:3 XF-59 Desert Yellow and XF-62 Olive Drab. XF-85 for the blue-black bits. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  13. Massive commitment. Hat off! Cheer, Ralph.
  14. Thanks Gents - comments much appreciated. Cheers, Ralph.
  15. Following Dan's lead, here's a non-comp entry from the Luftwaffe "1945" GB... Build thread... http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4083-bf-109-g-10u4-wnr613195-yellow-19-iijg-52/ Finals pics... http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4276-135-hasegawa-bf109-g-10u4-w-nr-613195-yellow-19-iijg52/#entry55516 Cheers, Ralph.
  16. Model based on information in JaPo's "Luftwaffe over Czech Territory - 1945. II. Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10/U4 Production & Operational Service" (2004). Enhanced with EagleParts spinner (#20-32); BarracudaCast props (BR32122) and wheels (BR32074); and Quickboost control stick (QB32018) and exhausts (QB32010). Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  17. Top darts Dan - on both the winged and the wheeled "sub-assemblies". Love the way the flat coat brings out all the underlying work. More armour-style weathering please!
  18. Enjoy the world of masks!! They can be addictive...
  19. Love it John. Cracking scale replica. Hat off! Cheers, Ralph.
  20. Congrats John - you've pulled of a real beauty. Great choice of scheme; great result with the dihedral; and great interpretation/execution. Cheers, Ralph.
  21. Thanks Gents. Fran: yes - all collecting dust on the shelf here. Wackyracer: last one is the K-4 kit.
  22. Thanks Gents... Cees: there was some discussion about the spinner style on this one. Here it is with the other option (which may not be correct either...)
  23. Some old builds brought out for cleaning...
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