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Everything posted by Verbeek

  1. A real great job sir. I lift my hat, from my bald head, for you
  2. PS, for me, the silver machine is the best! Maybe using Alclad. http://alclad2.com/
  3. Hmmmmm, I did not know that WnW make this one. But I know for sure, I going to enjoy this one too, just like your other models. Also, this is one of my favourite jets! Always like this Widow Maker. Also a good Dutch book:
  4. Great work sir. My compliment for this building.
  5. But still, those cat's can be so lovely!
  6. Still not much modelling for me. To much back pain. I just can sit a little, but I have to sit with my back right up. So, great for reading some great books who I just have buy. Here the reading corner and the new books
  7. Thank you, I also will go for the wood one (not that I can effort this amount of money :- ) But that look the best way for this great plain! And with you thanks words to the WnW fellow's, I totally agree.
  8. What a great beauty it is! Fabulous work sir.
  9. No likes! Well, I can tell you, I like the books!
  10. For future Wingnut Wings diorama's:
  11. Just found this, for a nice price:
  12. A lot of nice stuff arrived by a lot of you gents. Those are mine, buy them yesterday:
  13. Dear sir, I see your building quality and that make me desist not to start building WnW anymore. From now on I only going to collect them. I will never, ever, get that point of building! Just joking, not your building quality, but not going to work on myn WnW. Just my way, to say, you are good! And you are also a insperation for a lot of us. Also my compliments of the great picture's you put by your builds. Greets Cor
  14. Tssss, that is all? Okay, I admit, I'm very jealous! Great space sir, I love it!
  15. Great build, I like this plain and result.
  16. Do not want to say much ............. I love it!
  17. Sadly, no more kits for me, just a Italian pilot and a the big refuel thank from Aviattic (already ordered) that's all Why? My wife, a really lovely wife (even for the eye;- ), say no more, you have enough! Don't know why, really, I do not know! Here just a moment picture of my stash, is not that much? [/img]
  18. Totally not mine style of plain, but what a great masterpeace , unbelievable and I love it!
  19. Some more of these great kits have arrived in my house.
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