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About Lothar

  • Birthday 01/27/1950

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    Remchingen Germany

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  1. Sorry, won't happen again.
  2. Fantastic work , makes waiting for my stuff very difficult and gives me itching fingers....
  3. Didn't you mention Tigermeet markings to go with yours?
  4. Do you insist on a conversion for the Tamiya or would a (fantastic) resin conversion for the PCM Mk.IXc fit the bill? Apologies for highjacking your thread JohnB.
  5. I've got a fantastic deal from aderowlands - brandnew F-16CJ with all the serious bells and whistles to build a block 52+ and I've ordered CFTs and decals for a Polish viper from Big H, that will make up for not being able to build a -C
  6. Hannant's just got the F-16I Sufa in - GBP 119, need to sleep a night over it
  7. Don't bother, I didn't understand the Viper dialect either, and even lessons taken at evening schools didn't help me to understand it completely till today.....
  8. Someone got PJ's mobile number? My wife wants to have a word with him......
  9. I have the Tamiya F-16CJ with all the bells and whistles to build a Block 52, but then I guess I still have to take care of the different MLG one way or another. Around here neither the Academy nor the Tamiya F-16C are available anywhere and Ernie is right, shipping from across the big pond would kill any deal. Although, building one of the early ones from this decal sheet is indeed more than tempting Lothar
  10. Love these, problem for me is that those are all early block Vipers, so I guess you need either the Tamiya F-16C or Thunderbirds kit - Academy?? - and these are very hard to find these days. Correct me if there are alternatives. Lothar
  11. Excellent build, worth at least three thumbs up - congratulations on a great model !!! Lothar
  12. Go for it, I love those shortnosed Würgers - a little motivation maybe? The last one I've built. Lothar
  13. Again, thank you for a great deal, and as I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm a happy camper . And to those who are interested in your offerings, you can deal with Ade blindfolded and with confidence - fastest shipment I've ever received without any woes!!! Lothar
  14. Got this yesterday: An that's what came with it: Lothar
  15. I love what you're doing with this kit, that goes for painting, problem solving etc., etc. In the end you'll have an eyecatcher in either your display case or on any model show table. A joy to follow Lothar
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