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Everything posted by Jamme

  1. Hi Jim. Well now you will see one. I'm sure the Eduard Spit will be great (I've seen a test shot in Nurenberg, back in Februry) but 1/32 is the (for the moment) scale ! I didn't understand that Eduard did her in 1/48. Thank you for looking, Jim. Cheers, Jamme
  2. HI Grant Yes, I will sand them flat then rivet them with Rosie. Cheers, Jamme
  3. I don't think so. I should leave it so. Cheers, Jamme
  4. HI Harv. Difficult to tell from the pics. I should go with the red, as it is a warmer tone, but it's my 1 cent. Cheers, Jamme
  5. They are Eduard, from the BigEd set. Cheers, Jamme
  6. Hi Martin and Jim. Very nice review from what seems to be "THE" kit to have, even if (like me) your not in WWI! Thank you for the Review. Cheers, Jamme
  7. Hi Harv and Bluebottle. Thank you for the Comments. Harv: It's a really nice kit, I have fun building it. It'd not 100% correct but it looks as a Spitfire, that's enough for me. Cheers, Jamme
  8. Hello Nick and George. Thank you for looking and for the nice comments. Nick: I remember reading your review on SP&R. Will read it again with much pleasure. I agree it's not a Tamygawa kit, but I have to say it's nice to build, and most important ...... I have fun. I also remember many people on different Forums put this kit down in flames. What a pity. Cheers, Jamme
  9. Hello Jeroen, Martin and Coolboxx. Thank you for looking and for the really nice comments ! Cheers, Jamme
  10. Hello to Everybody. As we have a brand new Forum over here ,I decided to show some WIP progress on the Hobby Boss Spitfire Mk.Vb. To change a little bit from what we see on the Forum (Many Messerschmitt and WW1 birds) I had a little work on this Spit. I started this one some months ago, lost somme pieces and had trouble fitting the Eduard stuff in the pit, and put it back in the box.... for better times. This time has come now and as I don't want to start a new kit (more) I will firstly finish those I had started before.... That's why I don't participate on the actual GB and will not participate on the next one. So, enough words, here are somme pics: Here the interior of the bottom wing. I put everything inside, painted it. As I decide to close all the panels it must not be done...... Another view of the wing the cannons and MG's. Those where painted Mat Black (Gunze). When dry, I dry brushed somme Graphite powder. Another view of the wing. I brushed a little dark earth pigments from CMK in the middle part of the wing, as it can be seen from the cockpit. The upper part of the wing showing the Eduard parts put in place. Left side of the pit, with Eduard stuff. The green color is H312 from Gunze. Right side of the pit with Eduard parts. it is not completely finished, needs some touch up. Another view of the right side. The engine is assembled following the instructions, no detailing done as all the panels ail be closed. Everything is test fitted I also test fitted the wings on the Fuselage and a there is a small gap all along the fuse/wing part on the both sides. Another pic: So here I am so far. Will close everything, glue it and then the more pleasant part of the job........ P A I N T I N G !!!!!! Thank you for looking. Hope you like it. Questions, C.C.C always welcome. Have a nice Eastern end of W.E. Cheers, Jamme
  11. NIce start. Cheers, Jamme
  12. Really interested! Congrats on that start, Jeroen. Cheers, Jamme
  13. Thank you for sharing. Cheers, Jamme
  14. Nice ! When I se all the work you put on this kit...... WOW Cheers, Jamme
  15. That wood is Fantastic! Cheers, Jamme
  16. Nice And subtle weathering, Jan. Congrats, Jamme
  17. Yes WW II and eventually Jets. Cheers, Jamme
  18. That is a fantastic and interesting WIP, Jeroen. Congrats, Jamme
  19. Welcome to the Forum ! I can't help you with WW1 and WNW. This is not really my cup of tea. Cheers, Jamme
  20. Fantastic ! Congrats, Jamme
  21. Fantastic build as always, should I say, Jeroen ! Congrats, Jamme
  22. Really nice job on the turret ! Cheers, Jamme
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