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Everything posted by Jamme

  1. Hi Demon. 109 E is dragon (Cyber Hobby) for sure. P-40 Hasegawa P-40 Trumpy or Hasegawa Me 262 Trumpy Bf 110 Dragon The 190 E fron Dragon is fantastic (see Kojo build here on the forums. Cheers, Jamme
  2. Hello 104 and Demon, Thank you for the nice comments. I will try to do my best with the weathering! Cheers, Jamme
  3. Happy Birthday ! Cheers, Jamme
  4. First market is........Japan, then USA and then Europe. Cheers, Jamme
  5. Europe is not "so" important. They sell less and less in Europe. That's easy to understand........ Price policy. Cheers, Jamme
  6. A komet, yes, a komet! Cheers, Jamme
  7. Thank you George. That's what I was thinking. You will have to wait till next week for the codes, the roundels.....etc...... Cheers, Jamme
  8. Really nice pics. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Jamme
  9. Tamiya's logic (and that's normal) is "how many pieces are we going to sell?" Don't forget their second market is U.S.A. My 2 cent. Cheers, Jamme
  10. Hello Gent's, It week-end and after working for the lady, in the garden, I had a little time for modeling. So I started painting the upper surfaces. Started with the brown (Gunze H72) than made somme variations in it with black and the white. After drying, I began to mask for the camo using Postit notes. When half of the plane was masked, I painted the remaining in green (Gunze H73) Removed the masks immediately after painting and here is the result ......: THe shading on the green is a little bit too much, considering the brown. But as I will weather it, I don't think it will much be seen. Tomorrow the other side then varnish and starting the codes, roundels, etc. Thank you for looking. If there is something that is not good, please tell me, I'm opne to constructive comments. Cheers, Jamme
  11. Wow, that's really nice. Congrats, Jamme
  12. That will be a nice build! One to follow. Cheers, Jamme
  13. Nice start Doug. Cheers, Jamme
  14. Hi Cees. I removed the original structure in the wheel wells and replaced it by them from Eduard. I have a picture from such wheel wells in one of my books..... Have to search after it. Thank you for the nice comment. Cheers, Jamme
  15. NIce job Dave. Sems the fit is not perfect on this Trumpy kit..... I have a Hase Jug that i have to start one of these days. Hope it goes together better than the Trumpy. Congrats anyway. Cheers, Jamme
  16. Thank you Jeroen and Dave. I really appreciate your nice comments. It really gives me a kick to finish this one. Thank you once again. Cheers, Jamme
  17. Hello Grant and Harv. Thank you very much! Harv: This is the painting stage. When the camo will be finished, I will paint the roundels and codes (with the masks I made) then clear coat, then start the weathering. Cheers, Jamme
  18. Thank you Demon. I would not overdo it. Cheers, Jamme
  19. Hello Guy's. As promised a few days ago, here are 2 pics from the Spit's underside painted. Used Gunze H74. Will now start the other colors. Hope you like it. Thank you for looking. CC Comments always welcome. Cheers, Jamme
  20. Great job on these Jug's Cheers, Jamme
  21. THank you for looking and for the nice comment. Cheers, Jamme
  22. Thank you Dougn, Coolbox and Dave for the nice comments and for looking. I have the underside painted in Sky. not yet finished. Maybe pictures this evening (my time) Cheers, Jamme
  23. Thank you for sharing, Paul. Cheers, Jamme
  24. Happy Birthday ! Jamme
  25. Thank you very much Rick for thence words. Cheers, Jamme
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