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Everything posted by Pepper-Mint

  1. Hi People, Quick Update : worked on my base colors, sort of rust mapping on the hull. Here another sneak peek (exclusively for LSM) : Thanks for checking in ! Best, laurent
  2. Fantastic subject and damn nice/neat work ! Looking forward to seeing it completed. I assume great creativity for the final layout...
  3. Hi there ! Published. Very proud !!! Cheers, Laurent
  4. Awesome review. You made me get one too...
  5. Hi there, Working a combo ; the latest bronco typeXXIII and the Trump. SSyms transportation wagon (built and primed 4or5 years ago or so). I am more working on the accessories more than on anything else. For the sub, hull was completed and cut in 3 sections : bow, center and stern. Decided to start the stern section and i will focus on a rust paint-work. The wagon will be in an almost "clean" 2 colors livery. Jigs n'stuff in one nice industrial yellow. Display is part of a dry-dock made out of styrene sheets/beams and salt, on a wooden base. Sneak peek... More soon. Thanks for checking in ! Best, laurent
  6. Always wondered how good the kit was. Great start Rick ! Will follow.
  7. Sweet work ! Laurent
  8. Hi people, Wanted to share a twix of previews with you. It will be published in the coming TWM#20 issue. What-if, with focus on camouflage. Thanks for checking in Best, Laurent
  9. Thank you guys I will answer your questions asap. Best, Laurent
  10. Hi. Had of bit of bits n'pieces. I am wondering : On the hydraulic cylinder > 1 or 2 electro valves ? I mean one for the incoming pressure and one for the out-coming pressure ? If you have any info feel free. Thanks Started a week ago and made the pics today. Piping for all the Hydro. cylinders, and a new pressurized air bottle. Ready for the booth. Next pics will be on blue background... Thanks for checking in ! Best, laurent.
  11. Great sense of creativity. One of the best !!!
  12. Hi, Started the very well known Nurflügel German subject. AM : HGW's seat-belts. Sources : A.L. Bentley drawings (scale 1:16) the best source ever for those who know how to read a plan. THE projekt : Pushing the detailing as far as possible. Livery : No clue. Will see later. Wood and metal..........maybe. Enough said. The box... Following the notice, first step is the Jumo 004 twin build. I wanted the pipe systems to be subassemblies for a better painting. I glued/blank-mounted them on the compression section. the 2 sets are glued on a spec. jig, preventing the thin pipes from braking and further on for the painting process. More very soon. Thanks for checking in. Best, laurent.
  13. Hi there, Another great surprise when i was at the "Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace". Free use/share/whatever... No copyrights. Enjoy Best, laurent.
  14. You are welcome J. I post "high res." for the details. So full size is available.
  15. Hi Folks, At "Le Bourget", "Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace. (iPhone pics) Enjoy ! Best, laurent.
  16. Another great build mate ! Choices made with great taste. Beautiful and very attractive display. I have built that "thing", i know lots of mojo is used into the building process. Big Up ! Laurent.
  17. Hi gents, Thanks for the nice comments ! Update on this kit : Decided finally to cover the engine, base Aluminium done. Propeller should be in wood, but went free-ride for a metal version. Moving forward to the scheme paint. Cheers, Laurent.
  18. Great stuff ! Thanks for the great preview Jim ! Cheers, Laurent.
  19. Great work. Following...
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