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About dodgem37

  • Birthday 06/24/1952

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    Silver Spring, Maryland USA

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  1. 'I have finished painting and decals are all on - It was a bit of a challenge to put together the decals as nothing exists for a Moroccan F-16. I went through a couple of 1/48 sets of Moroccan jets and a 1/32 sheet supposed to go on an F-5.. Biggest challenge however was the red "Ejection Seat Warning" triangles - I challenge anyone to come up with a single F-16 in the world with red warning stencils!! - I found one in the end though - the F-16 "Wraith" aggressor - so I got 2 sheets of decals only to get to the 4 decals I needed. The lettering is transparent on the decals but white on the jet so I had to paint tiny white triangles where the decals would go. It all went fine and I think it really catches the eye on this paint job. The remaining black colored stencils where sourced from a sheet of Polish F-16s. The numbers are from generic USAF sheets.' From here: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/94671-f-16d-block-52-royal-moroccan-air-force-done/page/2/ Sincerely, Mark
  2. I prime, then paint, then gloss, then weather rubber tires. Nowadays I mostly build 1/24, 1/25 soft skin and armor. Lots of rubber tires in that lot. I prime with grey (Model Master), paint with Lacquer Acrylic (AK Interactive), gloss coat (Acrylic Floor Polish [Quick Shine]), then weather (oils). Nary a problem. Sincerely, Mark
  3. Martin asked that I post in progress photos of this build. Martin, your wish is my commando. I started this build about 25 years ago and worked on it for about 5 years before I came to a stopping point. I picked it up last May and finished it about a week ago. Images in no particular order. Photo intensive. Thanks for looking. Sincerely, Mark
  4. 1/25 Tamiya IDF Sho't Kal Gimel Sincerely, Mark
  5. Inspo from Hendon , thought I had more sadly More: https://www.ipmsstockholm.se/home/messerschmitt-me-262b-in-detail/ Sincerely, Mark
  6. Wonderful work, O B Wan. You are so creative. Could you provide a link to this tool? I would be most appreciative. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  7. Brother Bear, I have been using each for years. I use 1/2 oz. Solo, less waste. As for the pipettes, I have one dedicated and labeled with a sharpie for each solvent. Lacquer, enamel, water, windex, etc. That way not cross-contamination. For paint measurement, I use a dental mixing tool. Dip it. A drop[ is a drop is a drop, whether it comes out of a pipette or the edge of the above tool. For our purposes the volume of paint and thinner from each dispenser is the same. Just sayin'. You know, for a friend. Sincerely, Mark
  8. Great work, Oliver. You never cease to amaze me with your applied research. I would hate to be the guy dragging the tool chest over that uneven ground. I know you said your figure is designed, I'm curious as to if he's scanned. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  9. https://www.amps-armor.org/SiteMain/Main.aspx There may be a Chapter near you. Sincerely, Mark
  10. Some of the finest, Oliver. Long Island H-34. Accidently came across their barn way out on the Island while wife and I were Vineyarding one Black Friday. Gave a few bucks to them over the years to help them restore. Article: https://suffolktimes.timesreview.com/2021/11/column-with-a-vietnam-era-helicopter-they-made-history/ Sincerely, Mark
  11. Run it under hot water. I use an InSinkErator. Sincerely, Mark
  12. Exhaust valve. As also seen on tractor-trailers. Sincerely, Mark
  13. Thank you, my brother. Sincerely, Mark
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