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Uschi van der Rosten

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Everything posted by Uschi van der Rosten

  1. Phantastic job, Aaron. The 50/50 approach makes it even more interesting. Wonderful!
  2. Ursinus Float Plane with retractable floats. I think a re-release of a navy version (with floats) of something they have already always is a good idea. Low cost, lots of fun.
  3. Nice one. Brings back memories. Good job.
  4. Yeah. An example of how to turn an ugly and rather unpopular subject into something so beautiful. All that started with a few glasses of beer in a bavarian countryside restaurant. What a great success story. Pure excellence! Thanks for everything, Jim. Wonderful.....just wonderful....
  5. That gonna be the first unpainted I-16 I ever see. Excellent! Good luck! I´ll defo gonna tune in here again shortly.
  6. Man, man, man...thats looking so dope, man.... THAT is what should be done with it, beating the crap outta this decals! No, seriously. That is exactly what the stuff is supposed to deliver. I´m really happy to see you doin´ so well with it. Thats what my secret wishes were, seeing others creating such a highly professional result. It looks phantastic, especially together with the nice interiour detail. You know, when a SBS picture sequence has reached that level, you know nothing can go wrong anymore. It only can get better and better. The more detail comes in now, the more beautiful it gonna be. I like the double-layer technique. Thats really effective and brand new to me. Great, great job my friend. Great job indeed!
  7. Very cool, mate! Glad to see you diggin´ it. Let me ask you something. If you seal all this with a layer of clear, in order to make the grain pop and to do a pin wash with dark brown and brown, that wouldn´t be for your liking, right? Or is that just too much anticipating? Stupid question maybe...sry mate. Its really good. It is.
  8. You know what bro? Indeed I like the "sky is the limit" kinda thinking when it comes to 3d printing. But...is there any opportunity to get rid of the coarse surfaces? Its all lovely, but not really crisp, compared to a plastic injection. But, I gotta confess, I never saw one of those pieces in reality, so my judgement may not be profound.
  9. Dude, you know how to kick the shit out of some styrene. Gotta fanclub? Wanna join. Excellent!
  10. What a great SBS about advanced technology. :-) Great subject too. Keep going! :-)
  11. During the development I made a small testbed. I took an little ol´piece of something plastic, painted the various basecoats on that thing and laid a decal over it. That was quite telling.
  12. That looks very good indeed. It will look even cooler once sealed with clear. The printed grain will pop out very clear then. In case its too glossy for the artist´s taste, it can be corrected with a mist of some flat clear. About the colors: Actually I do it the same way as you do using the same tones. The only difference is that you have "balanced" the preshading with flesh, while I do that with Radome. That modelmaster Radome looks quite on spot. Its quite bright compared to Gunze´s, which is a good thing in our case. Well, I go like this: - basecoat flesh over all - preshading black - 1st balancing with flesh again - 2nd balancing with radome (I start at the panel centers) - 3rd balancing with radome plus white (again focus on the panel centers) - final balancing with color number 3, misting, far distance, highly diluted (all my colors are highly diluted all of the time) Once the light settings are done, it should really be the final setting since this setting will telegraph straight through the decals and will be reduced by 5% by the decals only. Somtimes the fine contrast between flesh and radome+white is actually enough in terms of accentuating. So, what one also could do is: - basecoat flesh over all - do no preshading and just brighten up the panel centers with radome+ white On the latter approach the accentuating is just caused by the contrast between flesh and radome+white. Its the fast path but a bit risky since it easily can be too less. The first approach gives you a few more triggers to play with, since one has more contrast and shades that can be altered as desired. The interiour looks really good from here, Jim. Luv it. If you wanna have it brighter, just use radome+white as a finish before the decals come in. Actually one can try off-white as well. Didnt test it though. Rock on buddy! I´ll follow this very closely! :-) Cheers bro!
  13. Thanks for allowing me to post a 48th scale bird here. I did that because there is a 32nd scale model by Revell and all the great eduard stuff on the market. The 162 is a great canvas in all regards and the references ranging from abandoned aircrafts to fully painted ones, so there is something for everyone. It may be worth to mention that this aircraft has been produced using kinda composite-technology. The wings and other elements were made of wood. I´ve got some little pictures here, drawn by my mate Vassilis Dimitropoulos: So, if I ever go again for a 162, and this day will come, that is one of the schemes strongly considered for bringing it on the concrete. Now I may share some reference with you in regards to schemes that really have been documented. Lets start with the one that has been built by me a while ago. The great thing was, that there were pictures showing the aircraft from both sides: That´s quite a luxurious situation, especially on such a unique aircraft. The icing on the cake was this profile by Thierry Dekker: So , there was no doubts which way to go. :-) Thats more than I can handle when I feel tempted anyway. Thats where I came out: The construction was "shake and bake". Its really a gorgeous little kit. The wings aint even glued to the fuselage and that tells us something about the brilliant engineering and fit. The model it self "works" via three key-elements which are - superdetailed engine visible through an open cowling - bare metal elements - rivet finish Plus the broken canopy and the mix of painted and unpainted sections. I think that´s why it was so successful and finaly even sold to a collector. The rivet finish was made using oil colors, just because I feared to mess it up and have a correction-option. Before the rivet effect I would do it a little bit different today and try to come to a more polished-putty-finish. The oil colors are a tiny bit 3d and thats not what we wanna have when we render something that has been polished. But again, I was afraid to ruin something here and took the safe way. A more flat finish could be achieved by further smear the oils, or maybe by airbrush. Tricky affair that requires a few tests before I would say. :-) There is one more half-painted aircraft documented, which is the A-2 "White 6" Werknummer (serial) W.Nr. 120231 of 1st/JG1. This scheme also would make a great model and I have seen some unfinished but promising attempts on that scheme. I never have seen finished W.Nr. 120231 "White 6" so there is still something to explore. In case some of you gentlemen are interested in some refrerence material, please let me know what exactly you are looking for and I will try to find something in my folders here. Again, thank you very much for the friendly comments! All the best. Alex :-)
  14. Thank you so much gentlemen! Coolbox, feels good to know that the stuff was able to isnpire others. You do such a great work, so there is inspiring in return as well. Positive dynamic, aint it? :-) Thanks a million guys! Glad you dig it! :-)
  15. This one here was a true surprise in terms of kit quality and one of the most enjoyable projects I ever had. I hope you dont mind thats the 48th scale. Could be cool in 32nd though, so may I am allowed to share it with you. Thats one of the very few projects I can imagine to do one more time, in a different scale though, the 32nd. I have all it takes in my stash already. Well...one fine day... Thanks for watching! :-)
  16. I would try to achieve a way more bright finish today. She´s actually too dark and I have to write it off as "artistic license". But I like her. She´s a cutie. Thanks for watching! :-)
  17. Little bit of a contribution to this excellent forums. May I share a wooden bird with you. WNW LVG C.VI, my first WNW kit, my first WWI kit and my first biplane since the re-entry in the hobby. There is always something one would make different after finishing the project. In my case it was the rigging. I´ve learnt a lot on that project and it was a great experience. Thanks for watching! :-)
  18. I´m on your side, mate. References, color guide, general advice (if I can be of any help)....what ever... All the best, mate! Kick it! :-)
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