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Everything posted by Screamer

  1. Oh very sweet!!! a 1/32 revell Bf 110G4 landed in my lap...dirt cheap to....so had to have it.....now to stash it or build it...that is the question???
  2. Was just about to get my grubby paws on one of these hurriboxes but a certain old revell 1/32 Bf 110 G4 caught my eyevand I snapped it up!!!! Hurribox can wait a .while
  3. Drool..Drool...Drool!!!
  4. Damn!!!! this Fort is gonna be oh so mighty fine but no!!! I will wait for the Lancaster because I think she will be the KIT to have and here's hoping that there will be a DAMBUSTER version as well...and Neil if you do read this a HALIFAX Mk lll B will be oh so appreciated!!!!
  5. Oh I so want one of these but after a lot of harding thinking I'm going to wait and get the Lancaster instead....need a Brit heavy in 32nd on my coffee table...not my first choice...that would be a Hallibag but some how I can't see HK doing one of these!!!!.....please....
  6. Mmmmm early tail unit for HK 1/32 B-17 G would be nice....it's amazing that no resin manufacture's haven't done it!!!
  7. I nearby promise NOT to build the Belle simply for the reason that it will be done to death....maybe Ye Olde Pub or even a 'film fort' Baby Ruth or Windy City sound good to me....lol
  8. Very nice but I'll stick to my 1/24 Hurribox!!
  9. Don't really do armour but love a Sherman with a big kin GUN....nice!!!
  10. Sweet ride!!! "Horsepowerrrr!!!!" as JC would say!!
  11. You can see it but the hell I'm not gonna hack my kit up for that!! Lol thanx for the photo though Cees.
  12. Noooooooo!!!....Lol hell i'm not going to let this slight error put me off this kit one little bit....if other wish to throw their modelling tools from the pram they may do so!!
  13. Cheers Tom may need your help in the long run...or just bite the bullet and buy the E/F...ouch and save the G for rainy day!!
  14. That's all I need the nose shell and glass..the rest can be scratched..
  15. True....so gonna throw this out there..if anyone buys the new E/F and builds the E I'm willing to pay for the F nose plus clear parts for a reasonable price!!!
  16. Yes I heard back from Neil and he said the same thing basically..... Only wanted the F nose and transparencies to make an early G!
  17. Wow...sweet....love to dovthe Lancaster but it's the B-17 that rules my heart even if I have burn out syndrome at the moment!!!
  18. Holy moly lovin this build.... got a little burnt out after doing 3 forts in a row....the last one really done my but in...all commission builds and could,not face building my own....now the E/F on it's way....HELP
  19. May have to see it I can order just sprue's from HK got an unmade G sitting here....don't want to buy a whole F if I have to....
  20. God I have waited for sooooo long for this one and I couldn't give a pigs ear if its got any errors!!!!
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