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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. No the American X-47 has no visible exhaust cans, I believe the Horten did not have to worry about heat seeking missles.
  2. Another original design! At least ours doesn't have the burner can hanging out the back, destroying any chances of low observability.
  3. This Californian could say a lot, but will refrain. I can't really think of any modeling supplies that are not available to me. I could actually see them banning the sale of "plastic" models before anything else. I am actually not carcinogenic, but have been found to be hazardous to members of other websites.
  4. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Amazon. Enough anti American propaganda!! https://www.amazon.com/Epoxy-Sculpting-Putty-by-Tamiya/dp/B000BMTGX4/ref=pd_sim_21_1/145-0664149-1403442?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000BMTGX4&pd_rd_r=48e18c90-6864-11e9-b12e-253105b62179&pd_rd_w=s1ZSr&pd_rd_wg=AxQgn&pf_rd_p=90485860-83e9-4fd9-b838-b28a9b7fda30&pf_rd_r=Y92NX8N06P94K75TFDZ7&psc=1&refRID=Y92NX8N06P94K75TFDZ7
  5. I have a cookbook written by tribes up where its cold filled with recipies for seal, whale, etc
  6. It is originally for sculptors , got any art stores,
  7. That's why I use this. Smooths with water, 3hr drying time.
  8. Absurdity update....man I love B-52s
  9. Got to see it up close
  10. Put your cell phone down and back AWAY from the La-9, Martin
  11. Hk plastic is hard enough where, when I was cleaning up my seams, the rivets remained.
  12. I can wait for this bit of absurdity.....
  13. Here is a violent transport for ya, Gazz. Did you all know AC-130's now have laser or gps guided glide bombs, and a small version of the Hellfireā€¦.badass!!
  14. Safe to say, Ernie, you are the master importer of kits into one's house.
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