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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. He was here yesterday or the day before.
  2. The Tamiya F-15E has much better detail and fit than the Revell kit, but is a bit more expensive. There is a ton of aftermarket, which you note you don't want to take on, but some is helpful in that it removes the need to sand inside the intakes and exhaust cans which is a big pain. Now talking about big, the SU 27 is humongous! It has some accuracy issues. but goes together well in my opinion. I have built the Tamiya F-15C and enjoyed the build. Look around for some reviews online.
  3. James, it looks as if the landing gear can be left off until after painting. What say you?
  4. Get 'er done! WHy not something off the Furball Aero sheet, Danny?
  5. Kinda looks like the radio operator may have ended up shooting blanks.
  6. Working on your Ab's? What a stud!
  7. Gonna be great fun getting those big dekkals down over all those raised rivets or even masks! Who makes Prozac, I'm gonna buy some stocks?
  8. Gonna raise mine, and put an Aces II ejection seat in there
  9. Didn't they sit on their chutes, no seat cushion?
  10. You can really see what I was talking about here Ernie. While chopping the seat get's it sit low enough in the cockpit there is just no depth to the seat pan of the tweaked seat. I will wait for Roberts seat and just not glue down my canopy glass.
  11. Nah, too many folks around here way too passionate about the Lanc for me to expose my non- chalant OOB type build. Almost ready to close it up anyways.
  12. I'm building a RCAF Lanc, you just can't see it.
  13. Hey that thing has a wanker! Anyways, maybe we should start a pool? Day and month he finishes? How could we set up a prize for the winner?
  14. This guy left them there
  15. Diversionary tactic
  16. Seeing us, especially the CA ANG, working with our Eastern European allies. If you look at the pics you might just notice an airframe I am familiar with. Lot's of digi camo going on in those pics. http://milavia.net/specials/clear-sky-2018-starokostiantyniv/
  17. Jake states in the Modern Viper guide that there is a vent there on US F-16's except for on Block 25, Block 30A's, and D's. Of course the US birds have a vent more like you would expect.
  18. Welcome to club 49!
  19. Poor AEG, all alone. Sheesh I suppose you'll vacuum next?
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