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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. Lot's of love for the 141!
  2. Now this would take absurdity to a whole new level...….
  3. Wish Kinetic would finally get this to the market. Guy at their booth told me it was delayed a bit with their new Hi Tech line starting up.
  4. What ever happened to HPH's large scale Gigant? I would really love a 1/32 C-130. Someone could clean house on conversions or different boxings of said Hercules.
  5. Only three have ever crashed, and two shot down. Four AN 124's have crashed.
  6. I do love the C-5M and spent a ton of time watching them use a mere fraction of the runway at Travis that was for the A models. I have stared at the Annigrand kit many times hoping it would change into something descent right before my eyes. Still maybe one day.
  7. C-5A has been gone for years, and C-5M's are only flown by us, so there is no worries of any competition. C-17 has a bit of a different role I imagine.
  8. Really you can't go wrong buying any of their stuff. Either you build them or wait until the go oop and sell them for 100% profit. Win win!
  9. I was thinking a lovely Salmon, or perhaps mauve.
  10. The ole' Mk 1 sodomizer, eh?
  11. This is how it will be finished. British built, but RCAF operated. Sorry Ernie…..
  12. Something I have to overcome is my lack of motivation to do build logs. The feeling I should be building instead of taking pictures, and the fact looking at pics of your build after the fact always seems to make it look not too flattering.
  13. I suddenly have so few parts left in the kit box it is insane. The engineering is done well enough, that with a jar of Tamiya extra thin, you can just cruise along. I will have paint on at 4 months, for a four engine bomber that bodes well. SO many huge planes in the line up to build. Now we just need a stand that will fit these beasts.
  14. Autopilot
  15. I'm at that point. I will be taking a break while I finish my Lancaster, but will try down the road.
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