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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. Hey STIKPUSHER are you in Garden Grove? I grew up going to Brookhurst, remember it when it was just a little cubby hole down the street!
  2. I missed that review...thank you!
  3. Thanks so much for taking the time to look for the info but that is the -5 Panther, I was wondering about the -2.
  4. I am contemplating whether I should drop a bunch of cash at a Black Friday sale or just get one of Paul Fishers nice resin kits. I was wondering what the other marking options were in the F9F-2 kit as it doesnt clarify in the decription on the web page. I sent an e mail but no reply yet and the sales are either going on now or close at hand. Thanks!
  5. OV-10 Bronco!!!!!! Av-8A Harrier FJ-2/3 Fury S-3 Viking I think you all had the WWII stuff covered so I thought I would go a different direction!
  6. Here... http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/1448-de-havilland-dh-103-hornet/
  7. I know some picked up some of their new stuff at Telford, any idea when the rest of us might get our hands on one(especially the Hornet)?
  8. Thank you sir! We had whispers of the Salmson before and knew about the EI and the AEG. It seems the last couple years they have released something totally off the radar screen though, like the Hannover last year. I am thinking we may see something else in time for Christmas, how about you? I know this is a HK Meteor thread and will abstain from further WNW posts...sorry!!
  9. So whats up with the Salmson news and how did I miss it?
  10. Sorry Dave I am not set up too well in the photography dept yet. I did take one of the work I did in the nose gear bay at the beginning but then I got lazy. It is weird that Aires has not done a cockpit set for this bird as of now, I imagine it is because of the way Trumpeter layed out the construction in that part of the fuselage. I used the Eduard set which is the wrong color but I was able to mask with Tamiya tape and hit it with dark gull gray. These pics don't do the build justice really, I am not one to brag but I really put some time into her...Thanks again for the nice comments!
  11. Happy Saturday gentlemen! I have been on a small hiatus due to a new job however the modeling continues. Here is my Trumpy Superbug with all sorts of fun stuff added. You will notice, due to my denial of the need for glasses at times that I put one of the caution triangles on sideways...oops. I hope you enjoy her! Now back to the B-25!!
  12. Awesome, still praying...
  13. Nice pair of Fokkers for sure! I haven't bone a WNW kit in a while maybe it's time!!
  14. Nice build, and nice choice of markings you don't see those much if at all. More jets!!
  15. Ya I am primarily a jet guy so bring it on. I also have the Gr,1 with ALL the bells and whistles, so how about some motivation!!
  16. Awesome! I actually submitted the pics this bird to Eli for use on this sheet !
  17. Excellent, me thinks its time for me to buy another WnW kit!!
  18. Ya well that wont be the price we see in stores, if you look at all their other prices compares to what they actually sell for in stores you get a better idea. It seems the best prices are usuall about 50 to 60 bucks less than the msrp at Stevens....
  19. Got in touch with the gang at Sprue Bros and they said next week sometime. Correct me if I am wrong but it would seem Trumpeter is releasing the A-6 here in the US first, interesting....
  20. Ya well Stevens International, Trumpeters distributor here lists it as in stock!! I would think you'll find cheaper than that price soon though....
  21. Should be in July,,,
  22. Funny I dont even know how I am gonna pay for the Corsair, B-17, A-6, or the P-61 yet and I am dreaming of what will be next, I think I have a problem....
  23. Hellcat!
  24. What would be awesome and make alot of sense(to me anyways) Is to rebox either the F-4 or the F-16C T-Bird. I think either a British Phantom, a F-4G. or an R-F4 of any flavor would do great and they could do an Agressor or a National Guard F-16 with the T-birds kit and just a couple sprues from the CJ kit. A Gulf War F-4G would make me very happy.....
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