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Everything posted by Padubon

  1. Although the part is almost done, I need to add a little more detail, including Brass .50cal guns and some riveting and after attached to the model it will be properly painted.
  2. I want to build a Gunship B-25H but I could not find a reasonably priced kit. I contacted the HK guys but they could not help. For that reason I made my own.
  3. Gentleman, Is there anybody living in or near Virginia that is planning to attend the IPMS Richmond 2017 Old Dominion Opening? The event will be on Saturday the 25th. Here the add link: http://www.ipmsrichmond.org/contest/2017-ODO-All.pdf
  4. Hello, Here the latest update. The kit is almost done, all it needs is the exhaust flame suppressors and the rear canopy. I was going to do that last night but I have bronchitis and I feel like a pile of rubble.
  5. Almost there! Just a few more details and I will call it done.
  6. Hello Cees, I did smooth the milliput with a wet finger, then a couple applications of Tamiya grey putty.
  7. Gentlemen, I need your opinions about the finished product. I must chose between this or the aftermarket intakes shown above. Thank you.
  8. Good job! I wish I was that prolific. I have so many models 90% completed when I ran out of steam.
  9. Gentleman, I have a 1/32 HK B-25J Strafer, but now I want to build the Gunship version. Does anybody in the US want to trade the Gunship nose (sprue V) for the strafer sprues T and U plus eight Master Model .50 Cal barrels. Thank you.
  10. Drifter, The Hamilton Standard Hydromatic propellers were made of steel. The Hamilton Standard Propeller corporation started in 1929 with the merging of two companies, the Hamilton Aero Manufacturing and Standard Steel Propeller. The company had several owners, some of them were: Boeing, Sikorski and Pratt & Witney. To minimize supply problems and maximize production, both the Lancaster and the Mosquito used the same propellers (paddle and skinny). Unfortunately I could not find a picture of an early Mosquito with damaged props to show them bent but I did find a Lancaster with damaged props. I hope this info was useful to you. Paulo Dubon
  11. Thank you. Tomorrow I will work on the wheel bays and possibly stencils.
  12. More painting. I made the markings using Tamiya masking tape sheet, which is thin and great for this kind of projects. Then I proceeded to place the marking masks correspondingly. This is how it looks after painting. I am going to make this model as if it belonged to JG 300 Wilde Sau with its Reich defense tail bands.
  13. Hello guys, here some more pics. I have finally began painting!
  14. I do not think I am capable to build a model like that. Very nice job.
  15. Hello Sir, I am very impressed with your model. Paulo Dubon
  16. Don't worry about being critical of a problematic model if you used your own money to purchase it. If it is a gift from the manufacturer that is a different story. When a model kit costs what ZM charges, I want nothing but a good quality kit in exchange. Don't get me wrong, I like ZM, HK and some Trumpies, but any resent kit in 1/32 that is more than $100, should not have any fitting issues. I am ok with minor inaccuracies, after all it is a scale replica and I can fix them, but poor fitting issues and bad gaps are not fair for the person buying the model.
  17. I think the problem with the model is that it is not well designed to be built with the panels closed. Mine is has everything closed and there were gaps everywhere. Something else, do not use CA glue to put parts together because it makes the plastic extremely brittle and it breaks badly, CA glue is Ok for photo etch and to fill some gaps. I honestly hope that you have better luck. I may have done something wrong during the build that resulted in the poor fitting. As you can see, I had to do massive sanding. This access door is an example of the fitting gaps.
  18. More pictures of landing gear and the rear canopy made of scraps.
  19. Hello, I wish you the best of lucks on your build. I had too many fitting issues with mine, now is waiting in the shelf of shame. Paulo Dubon
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