These are among my favourite vehicles even though I have yet to do one, and these look just right nice to see restrained weathering on them for a change.
Ralph I was looking at the Hunter the other night when I picked up my Hawk, I really am tempted but I swore I would not start building another big stash and I have just ordered Kinetics Hawk 100 as I really want to do the Canadian Hawk 100, I will though build the Hunter at some point as she is a beautiful plane, hell it sounds like I am sucked into wingy things now doesn't it? I when I feel a little more confident then I will maybe give it a go if you do another Skype build.
This is now considered finished it has fought me a little bit here and there and the paint problem almost saw it go in the bin like the others, it is the first aircraft I have managed to finish and I consider it a instructional build,
Thanks for looking and I promise the paintwork will be better next time.
Wow that will keep you busy Ralph, look forward to seeing yours done, here is where I am up to after a good session today,
got some tidying up and detail painting to do but there is light at the end of the tunnel,
Hey Ralph, Thanks, the fit in several areas especially the intakes are a challenge indeed, I guess I could have picked something simpler for my first real aircraft build but hey it is all experience, j expect to do better with my Meteor.
So after a traumatic few days with paint problems caused mainly by myself I am finally back on track,
My seam work needs to be better on the next build but I am not expecting anything competition standards from this one,
Thanks guys,
Well I have to say it is very warm and humid but in truth it is probably down to my impatience and numptiness instead thin layers and allowing them to dry I put several wet coats down to soon, good news this morning I misted several coats of MR clear flat which made a big difference, tonight I did the same but with clear gloss and things are great now.