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Steve Scanlon

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Everything posted by Steve Scanlon

  1. Thanks Eric it was actually interesting to do so much so that I intend to do some more UN white vehicles.
  2. Interesting times ahead, track link anyone? LOL.
  3. Thanks for doing this one, really interested in seeing this done, great start.
  4. Yeah from an accuracy point of view it does suffer but I am on an out the box build run right now so was not too bothered but I buggered it up through my ineptness!!
  5. Yeah a big well done.
  6. Have not managed to do a wingy thing for about thirty years, had a few attempts but failed. I am certain this is coming my way in a month or so I guess I will have to make a serious go of it when I get it, oops looks like I have already decided
  7. Yeah I will be bringing it hopefully I will get a lot more done before then. The Zvezda T90 is excellent I buggered it up and ended up binning it! my in laws arrive from England in a few weeks and modelling will dry up for about two weeks,
  8. Got another hour at the bench today, been a struggle with time this week, found masses of etch bolts to be added, this looks like a lot of fun! got most of the fittings on the rear hull, more pe. next up after the ditching log retaining straps will be all the lovely track links, more later.
  9. Aaahh I can feel my resolve crumbling before my very eyes!!!!!
  10. Really enjoying this one, everytime I go to the hobby store it sits there calling to me how long can I resist? quick question, If I build out of the box is it still a decent kit?
  11. No it is in fact a pretty straightforward conversion,if you can look at a copy of Military Modelcraft International November 2011 there is an article on doing the conversion using Cromwells kit, not sure about the WRAP though, Cromwell also had a Mastiff kit as well if they could get hold of that I would be a very happy man.
  12. Earlier this week I found out that the guys at Castoff models are going to be doing the Challenger 2 TES and Warrior WRAP conversion sets, it seems that Gordon of Cromwell models is getting out of 1/35 scale and the guys at Castoff are trying to save what moulds they can, I have pre ordered a Challenger 2 TES and will most certainly be having the WRAP as well.
  13. The problem with great builds like this I start getting tempted to build something with wingy things on it!! love the detail and finishing.
  14. Not much to report this week just had an hour on her tonight, got arms mounted on one side and fittings etc, had a bad warp in one of the shaped housings at the centre but nothing that cant be sorted,
  15. Stunning really enjoying seeing this, I always found the Halifax and Stirling much more interesting than the Lanc.
  16. Really impressed with this Paul, your detail work is excellent.
  17. Ah seams on aircraft yes I have yet to sort that part of modelling out but promise to have a go sooon, I have a 1/48 Spit. on the way so may try it after this one.
  18. Here we go with another lump of plastic, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed tanks all those wheels, this will be another out of the box build and I will be attempting the multi tone camo, thanks for looking.
  19. Thanks guys, and yes getting all the wheels on the ground is a bit of prob. with this kit, my first one I managed nicely but the left rear wheel on this one is fractionally off the ground but when on some ground work it will be fine.
  20. I have been on a run out of the box builds recently and trying resist loads of aftermarket.
  21. Ok I am calling this one finished apart from tightening up the aerial tie down it will have to do, Thanks for looking.
  22. Great job, really like the finishing on this.
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