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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Even one of my Corvettes don't have those kind of tires... well maybe kind of.....the T-bird needs the high profile skins
  2. Me too Carl, and I agree, excellent job.....
  3. Sorry, Peter, I was a way for a bit, let me see if I can source you one.... I 'might', not sure though....
  4. I'm a little late to this party ( as usual) but I am lurking along, as I did with the Spitfire...................... my eyes hurt, this is so fabulously great....... I ran out of superlatives on the Spitfire build, I will quietly lurk in the shadows here and feast my eyes and like Cees says, my dreams of wishing I had some sort of modeling talent, this is just incredible stuff...... as always, looking for MORE ..................... from across the pond Jeff
  5. This was a great body style, probably one of my most favorite T-birds, they had some real class and futuristic styling cues, and when one saw it on the road, you knew exactly what it was/is, not like today's "cookie cutter" cars, no styling, no panache, no colors, and NO STEEL...... '50's and '60's rides are were it's at, and the one thing that just GAGS me, is when I see a classic ride like this and the owner puts 26 inch rims and rubber bands for tires.............................. NOT in my garage ! Keep her looking like the Henry built her is what I say...... love it Ernie.... just love it...
  6. Scotland, is GORGEOUS too....... so majestic..... I can almost smell the ocean...... beautiful pics.....
  7. Jeff

    Need hugs

    Being 'out west' and time differences etc...... I just got this................. Damn , Harv............... that is is sad, Cathy and I are sorry to hear of your loss, and yes time and distance does separate us a little bit, but he is still close in your heart and that's what counts................ oh, and one more thing, NEVER worry or apologize for 'dumping'.......... we are 'family' here and always happy to support...... hang in there pal...... sincerest condolences......
  8. THANKS Martin........................... NOW you did it........................... I was looking at the post you put up with the pics of the WNW Lanc.............. clicked on the little thing at the bottom that said 'source' took me to the "Aerodynamicmedia' site, and I spent 2 hours going through only part of that site, then silly me clicked on the side bar for "Historic Aviation...shop now".......................................................... oh Dude....................... THANKS, NOW I could be in such trouble, they have some really cool stuff to spend money (I don't have ) on... books and dvds, holy cow, man........ such temptation...... I have a LONG Christmas list now......... I must be strong, I must be strong, I must be strong.......................................
  9. Kent, I remember watching this one come together, what a spectacular dio and it tells a great story...... this one is incredibly well done, I really like it..... I could stare at it for hours............ what am I saying............... I DID!
  10. It has quite a history, if you are the least bit interested I can recommend a couple VERY good books about early helicopter stuff here in BC....
  11. Yeah, date code is perfect...... very cool, as long as it is period correct, eh?? looking forward to the WIP for this project...
  12. https://www.bcam.net/the-choppers Ernie, scroll down there she is, and yeah she is the real deal, and yes rare.. I LOVE your analogy ..... ha perfect... "like a decent Trumpeter kit"...
  13. VERY happy to be of some sort of service, not often I can shed any light on stuff... Mosquitoes are kind of my thing..LOL
  14. this is the pic I was talking about....
  15. Ok, Peter, I did some research with the copious amount of Mosquito material I have here, and I can absolutely say for certain that the lower piece is removable and what the official deHavilland manual says is..... they refer to the larger lower piece as the "Gun Under Fairing", and the " Gun spouts are fixed to the under fairing", there also should be a little hole at the front portion of the under fairing with a line (hose) that feeds back through 3 bulkheads for warming the guns.... I will see if I can scan a pic or two for you.... might take a few minutes, but I am on this.. Jeff
  16. I will do some searching, but I would say it would be a little bit of both, and by that I mean the barrels of the cannons would protrude through the bottom plate and those muzzle reinforcements would be attached to the main fuselage and the bottom plate as you see..... kind of like a slide in piece of pipe for the want of another term..... I have some detailed information I will look up for you.... but in the mean time here is some stuff for you to check into.. http://www.mossie.org/Mosquito.html This is a great one, most of the guys here can answer pretty much anything you ask, I have a real good buddy Neil, who is the guru, and I have TONS of Neils photos, I will look for you... https://www.warbirdrestoration.co.nz/past.html#ka114 These are the guys who did the restoration of KA114 https://www.dehavillandmuseum.co.uk These are the guys who designed and built the Mosquito http://www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk Another restoration http://www.ch2a.ca/mosquito Another Canadian Mosquito rebuild
  17. Sorry I don't have one of the inside.....
  18. Does this help for the outside?
  19. wow......................... looks to be more than just a Dam Buster eh?? very cool.......
  20. Ernie................ is she ' numbers matching'??? If so, you got a gem there buddy, ................ well even if it isn't you still have a gem........ are you going to show her, when done? I also think you need to start a WIP thread here for that one.............................. and when she is done and shining like a new diamond, you need to get a big white hat get all dressed up in your Sunday best and go for a ride, you would look like a Chicago Pimp at a Hollywood convention................ VERY cool my friend !! I'm envious.....
  21. Ivan................. MAKE time , you won't be disappointed.....when you get to the BC Aviation Museum in Sydney ( Victoria) make sure you check out the Bell 47-D1 Helicopter CF-FZX.... it was the very FIRST Commercial helicopter in British Columbia, it was bought and flown by Carl Agar, founder of Okanagan Helicopters and that machine has an incredible local history, it is the real deal.... it took them 3 years of very hard work to restore that machine, they replaced the front bubble with a full bubble, as it originally had an open cockpit, it was completed in 1988, and actually belongs to the Royal British Columbia Museum, but is on loan to the BC Aviation Museum.....they had to source parts from all over North America, and had to have the old school engineers do the restoration...... she is not to be missed, as she is the REAL deal, and not just nay old '47 painted up to look like it and a vital part of our British Columbia history.............. here is what she looked like when operational back in the 1940's
  22. Toronto has always been a bit sideways?? LOL!!!
  23. Martin, yes, Alberta is gorgeous, and Cathy and I have traveled nearly every road in Alta, and find is fascinatingly interesting..... here is a couple more from yesterday......................... and one for Carl......when Cathy was here last March....
  24. Jeff


    That was nice Harv........
  25. Martin.............................. do have to guess?? and no worries we will let you back here..... you are always welcome, just bring your bank account, we need the tax base...
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