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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Thanks Chris, very much appreciated. MiniArt has been producing model kits for many years and is located in Poland. From what I understand they have an excellent reputation for detailed kits with loads of parts and their own style of engineering. The P-47 is their first aircraft kit and the first MiniArt I've purchased as an aircraft modeler. I'm finding out understanding their assembly process takes some getting used to but works in the end. Terrific detailing and loads of parts, of which I would prefer a lot of the smaller parts to have been molded on - just too east to feed the carpet monster with them. Agreed, their seat with molded on belts is superb and looks almost as if it were a resin part, which it's not. Took some very careful painting and washes to capture all the molded in detail. Trying to finish up the front office today as the IP install is a bit tricky and I've never seen it done this way before.
  2. Thanks John, greatly appreciated. Hope the rest of the kit goes as smoothly as the beginning did but somehow that never seems to work out. 🤞
  3. Thanks Gus, very much appreciated. Completely agree, MiniArt did a tremendous job on the seat and the belts - they do look mighty good. So far, it's an excellent kit, just a bit over engineered.
  4. Thanks Mike, for the vote of confidence. Holy smokes, you have a boatload of AM for the kit and no question you are going to raise the bar for the Jug up to a whole new level. Awesome markings for sure and she is going to be a standout.
  5. Thanks Mike, much appreciated. Would love to see you work your magic on the Tamiya kit. I built their Bubble Jug a few years back using the kit decals; checked nose and a NMF and loved the kit. Right now, I still would vote for the Tamiya kit as the best out there taking into account ease of assembly and Tamiya's engineering up to this point. I took a look at the multi piece cowl in the Mini Art kit and it's going t be a bear as compared to Tamiya's one-piece cowling. I know the molded in detail in the MiniArt kit is better, but I would give it up for an easier and cleaner assembly - as I've read and watched a number of videos and this has been one area talked about quite a bit. See how it goes when I get there.
  6. MINIART P-47D BUBBLE JUG 1/48 SCALE While the Corsair was waiting for the paint and the clear coats to dry, I started to familiarize myself with the kit, deciding which markings I’ll be using, what paints I’ll need and cleaning up all the parts for the front office and gear bays. Choice of marking: MX-E, of the 82nd FS, 78th FG, 8th AF, Duxford, Summer 1944. The 78th FG shared the airfield with RAF Fighter Squadrons and when their Jugs arrived, they were not yet camouflaged. Since the RAF Day Fighter Colors were available, close to the USAAF colors of OD and Neutral Gray, they painted their Jugs: RAF Dark Green and Sky bottoms, they were the only FG to use these colors. Care needs to be taken with the kit’s color call outs, for the front office as Jug cockpits should be either Dark Dull Green or Bronze Green, I went with MRP Dark Dull Green: MRP-229. Some photographs I’ve now seen, do look as if Interior Green was used on some Jugs. Seems it greatly depended on who, where and when the Jugs were made and the availability of paints here in the states. Everything I’ve heard about MiniArt seems to be true: the kit has incredible detail and the surface molding is beautiful but the part count – pretty high for a kit of its size and scale. Some parts are so tiny, they should have been molded in place as it was way too easy to feed them to the carpet monster. Wheel wells were made up of 12 (I hope I remembered correctly) of very finely molded and detailed parts and I found the instructions a little confusing as to placement and orientation. All the components and parts to this point were primed with MRP Gray Primer and the wheel wells were MRP Yellow Zinc Chromate: MRP-129. Basic cockpit parts: painted, and lighted weathered with Tamiya Dark Brown and Black PLW's and dry brushed. Front office taped in place. IP not yet installed as well as the joystick which I managed to lose. I sent an email to MiniArt Customer Service and am waiting for a reply. Kit seat with molded on seatbelts and harnesses - they do look mighty good. Main Gear bays assembled from a lot of fiddly parts but in the end, they do look good. Flaps and ailerons in the' Basic Kit' are fix in place and the flaps cannot be dropped as well.
  7. Paul The perfect AB holder
  8. Carl, still think there is something more to this.
  9. Phil Awesome .. you're going to love the Infinity CR Plus AB -- a delight to use and my air brush of choice.
  10. John I do remember the paint scheme and looking at the decals, the a/c color is FS36473 ... a pale blue gray.
  11. John Surely the 'cuss factor' was a little high then a 'bit'.
  12. Chris Nice use of the gift .. let us know how you like the AK Panel Liners.
  13. Carl Agreed ... shipping is just nuts these days. What I do wonder is why SB is doing this in the first place.
  14. John Way to go ... just knew you would win the fight.
  15. Mike It sure seems that way and I purchase the majority of my kits from other vendors.
  16. Received an email from Sprue Brothers about joining their VIP Club. Looking over my orders from last year, I'm going to pass as I can't see how the savings are worth joining in my case.
  17. Carl Over the years, I've become a huge Sea Fury fan and have built both the Fisher and Airfix kits. I'm eagerly awaiting DBMK's release and am planning on buying and building a few. 🤞🤞🤞.
  18. Airfix might be doing what they did last year - holding back release announcements until just before the kit is released. I'm looking forward to seeing what the NEW Airfix has waiting for us in 2024.
  19. Mike Same here. Being a Long Island Boy and the home of both Republic and Grumman's (both long gone), their aircraft have always been my favorites. The P-47 is well underway way and by this weekend I'll try to have a build thread going. Loads of parts, finicky and nothing as precise as building a Tamiya kit.
  20. My money is riding on you that you can.
  21. John Can't understand why you are so unhappy with the Hellcat, I didn't see any issues at all. For a kit of it's age, it's a terrific. build. 🏆
  22. John Heading over now
  23. Absolutely amazing you were able to work wonders and get the fuselage halves to glue up together. Fingers crossed you can work your magic on the cowl and get it to fit, keeping the building going.
  24. Thanks Rob so much for the very kind compliments on the Corsair. A fun and enjoyable build with no issues, typical Tamiya thorough and easy to follow instructions, kept me looking forward to being at the bench nearly every day.
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