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About williamj

  • Birthday December 20

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  1. Thanks for all the great pics Martin, some really nice displays and models for sure. But I don't know about all that exposed female genitalia, that kind of stuff could lead to dancing and who knows what.
  2. Nicely done Martin, I couldn't have done it without you.😉
  3. Looking good Martin, Don't forget the rivets all over those wings.😁 "Would you look at that, someone glued the gear doors ass to front."
  4. Yes, the Haboob was something else
  5. Al I know is I saw Martin had worn out the knees of his jeans, I didn't ask.
  6. This would have been fine, Martin looked much worse, PTSD.
  7. Not dismayed Martin, it was fear, you were speaking as if it were a zombie scene from the Walking Dead. But Sedona was great, got to cool off.
  8. ¿Cómo estás mi amigo?
  9. No, you're like a bad fart. Ok a little.
  10. Hi Maru, I decided to come with you, hope that's ok. Will I am.
  11. Perhaps Ferrari yellow.with the prancing horse logo.. Jeeze Ernie..now I want to do one.
  12. I posted pics of the show on T.O.S.
  13. HA HA HA....Too funny Martin....Hoping you'll be the fourth. cheers my friend.
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