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Everything posted by williamj

  1. Real nice John...you are a machine. cheers.
  2. Great! Just great...now you tell me.
  3. Martin...Your lovely dog has exactly the same expression on it's face as you had in the vendors room..
  4. Pick up a couple big bottles of Coke Classic...Soak her in it. works. It is a very oily substance and the citric acid, carbonic acid and phosphoric acid in the Coke breaks it down. My Dog Jessie had the same thing happen,only she ran into the house and tried to rub it off in the carpet,it's how we ended up with hardwood floors.
  5. Thanks Martin..not getting too serious with this kit..just a build to break out of a slump.. This Roden L-19 does give you a lot to be wary of..nothing in the pit to speak of..and the fit could be a whole lot better.but the only L-19 so we'll make it work somehow. LOL. Cheers Buddy.
  6. Ernie..how are ya?

    Just talked to Bill Burns ..he just sent me the last water slide decal set he's going to do. (L-19 Canadian Army).

    Sadly he's shut down the decal end of it and is only concentrating on vinyl.

    Going to miss him and his decals.

    Cheers buddy...Bill.

           email from Bill.

    It's on it's way Bill. 
    Surprised you haven't got it already. 
    Fyi, my waterslide decal printing days are over I'm afraid.  
    Vinyl projects are unaffected. 
    Wm. Burns
    CanMilAir Decals
    London, ON
  7. That's a great idea....Do post some pix when when you get your hands on the Peacemaker,love to see them. There is someone who could help you with markings on the B-47 (not that there were many) and decals...Bill Burns at CanMilAir. could send him an email and ask,dealt with him many times,great guy and very helpful.
  8. Ya what is this? He's attracted to them like a sloth to a flame.
  9. Ya...that's the guy, Like I like likes,like who doesn't?
  10. What was Ernie's post about..I forgot.
  11. Well now we know Martin,now we know. So when you told me you wanted to take a trip to Tokyo,,I assumed it was for models. We can all clearly see now, that assumption was incorrect.
  12. Thanks Phil..had to come over ..was getting lonely.miss my Buds.
  13. You know Martin's will end up looking like a or Lavochkin or Yakked up some way no matter what the plan was.
  14. CUPCAKE?? Really Maru...I'm sorry I just can't visualize Ernie as a cupcake. Think I like the "Big Bork" better.
  15. So you have one of Jerry's kits??? and everything needed to dress it up as well? So jealous . We know you won't "Bork it up " Ernie, LOL. God we need some B's and C's. Pulling up a seat.
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