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About HubertB

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    Quinta do Anjo, Portugal

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  1. Well said.  It mirrors my thinking but with facts. What do you read to learn this stuff?

    1. HubertB


      Thanks. I just scan the net, but I apply Socrates' concept of critical thinking and querying (see ? politics again ;) ).

      I avoid the sites which are obviously linked to the conflicting parties, like all the .ua or .ru ones. I also read other posts on the same source, about other subjects, to get a 'feel" for the spirit of the site and their "standard" bias.

      Then it's about recouping information.

      As for reading, it's always been my favorite pastime, but it impinges on my modelling time :)

      Thanks again


    2. Sparse Grey Hackles

      Sparse Grey Hackles

      I appreciate the response.  I know how I feel but have come to distrust just about everything.  It started when I had a small business and worked in my basement.  I would watch something on CSPAN which shows various House/Senate hearings without comment.  Later, Fox TV would report on it and it made me wonder if it was the same event.  I stopped watching Fox for anything other than sports. I fear the other networks have moved to their own biases.

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