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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Not for me to say anymore, Jeff ... It’s a big chunk of resin though ... I’d expect a price point between, say, a Fisher jet or a HPH Walrus, or more than a HK twin, and less than a four-engined one ...

    Before seeing the master, I was thinking of a price between 135-150 €. Not sure I’d have made any profit at this price, after I saw the (complex) masters ...


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  2. At the risk of appearing to sow dissent here (hang on, maybe that’s really what I am doing :stirthepot: ), I am not disappointed, because I am not that interested with Tamiya new releases (you know, single seats - but for the Mossie -, heavily-camoed WWII fighters, yaaaawwwwnnnn ), even though I recognise they are truly outstanding kits...

    Being a weird-subjects’ scratchbuilder at heart, at a definite procrastinator when to comes to painting, I am not that keen on easy-to-assemble-with-almost-no-filling-just-need-to-do-a-proper-painting-job kits. I was disappointed when HpH chose to release a C-47 rather than a DC-3, and at at a price point, with VAT, above my self-imposed (already very understanding) budget limit, I was disappointed when ICM released an O-2 rather than a Cessna 337, or when Trumpeter’s much awaited TBD turned into vaporware, but not when Tamiya San failed to release another WWII single-seater (my bet is still - since 2014 - on a 109 G-6, btw, which I got right so far, but for the scale).

    And I agree we are very lucky to have so many new 1/32 subjects available in-between new releases by Tamiya :) .

    Just to finish and cheer you up, some of you may know I initiated the development of a 1/32 DH-89 Dragon Rapide resin kit. Life choices and other constraints have held me from bringing the project to fruition for quite some time. You may be pleased to know that I have just struck a deal with a very competent resin-kits’ manufacturer to take over the masters, and finally release this kit. Isn’t LS modellers’ life wonderful in our times ;) ?


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  3. It looks like you did your mold vertical, from tip of the blade to root of the blade.

    For a long and thin part like this one, I believe it is probably more efficient to do the mold « horizontal », with a big casting block along the leading or trailing edge. Thus any trapped bubbles have less way to do to escape from the viscous resin.

    I have also read that having your mix cup high above the mold, to thin down the fillet of resin flowing down into the mold, has the effect of removing some of the bubbles trapped in the mixing process.


    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, GazzaS said:

    There is no need to fear.  Think of it as an opportunity to use your acquired model building skills.  At least it should be a few degrees better than scratch building your own.;)



    ... or using the old ID vac form, whose shape is most likely dubious ...


    PS : thanks to Westland, there was a civilian-registered Whirlwind for a short period of time after WWII. which gives me a good reason to buy the kit, without breaking my « no camo » self-inflicted rule ;)

    • Like 3
  5. On 5/10/2019 at 10:28 AM, GazzaS said:

    Meh...  Islands!   To get anywhere you need to buy airline tickets.  When I was stationed on Oahu I found it depressing that if I went on a three hour drive I arrived back at my starting point.  But hot chics did abound!

    Enjoy your stay!


    It takes less than 3 hours to drive around Flores, which is roughly 15 x 10 kms ;) ...

    This said, it’s absolutely enjoyable if you like wild, preserved nature, flowers, birds, volcanoes and waterfalls :) . Fairly different from Ibiza, as an island :thumbsup2:


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  6. 1 hour ago, RAF Liberators said:

    Yes the wing root is wrong but you shouldn't be able to see it from the photos I've taken, it's not something you'll really see unless you're looking from the other end and you can't because the fuselage is in the way.

    As I said from my first post, there are faults with the kit but nothing to stop you building a good example of it. people should stop listening all the armchair modellers and build stuff.

    PS Engine cowlings are correct for the variant, people often forget that the Liberator was built across 5 factories by 4 different companies (one built from preassembled sections). Often the differences were quite vast. Another misconception is that the De-Icing boots were solid rubber and weren't susceptible to chipping etc. The solid de-icing boots were stopped after the LB-30 (I had an armchair modeller try to tell me otherwise when I built my Monogram kit, he got put in his place lol).

    The profile shape can be appreciated from a front quarter angle as well, but it is true that the « issue » comparing the kit and the real aircrafts happen aft of the main spar, and is a result, on the 1:1 aicrafts, of the profile as well as of the incidence.

    It’s true as well that the Davis profile can appear very clearly like on this pic :



    ... and not so much on other pics, like this one :


    And finally, the following pic illustrates both the visible Davis profile from front quarter (IMHO) and the cowling shapes variations you rightly mention. 


    I am not trying to be an « armchair » expert, btw, just sharing feelings about my memory of what a B-24 « looks like », compared to the kit.

    I reiterate my sincere admiration for you to have completed the kit, in a truly masterful way.




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  7. Arrived this morning, for one week vacation, in Europe’s westernmost town ...

    Exactly mid-way between Lisbon and Newfoundland...

    This is my view for the next 7 evenings ... If you get on your toes, you might glimpse the Statue of Liberty, 3 600 kms from here ;)





    PS : the town is called Fajā Grande, on the west coast of Flores Island, one of the Azores islands.



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  8. Welcome to LSM Gary.

    Your Liberator looks really good, and the amount of work you have put in it shows clearly.

    Like others, I feel that the seams in the turrets do not show that much, and the polishing you have done was really worth it.

    This said, and it is in no way to belittle what you have achieved, because you did with what the kit supplied, the shape of the wing at its root appears really off, whichever way you look at it. And, maybe its emphasized by the red band, but there is something not quite right to my eyes in the shape of the engine cowlings.


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  9. 1 hour ago, GusMac said:

    Seen that one mentioned many times in Neil Peart's books as he's motorcycling around Canada. At least they do some repairs, here in Scotland we've got potholes bigger than shell craters.

    It’s all the more remarkable as they have just one day to perform all these repairs :D


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  10. 9 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

    Very good point Hubert. I actually like Radials as a GB is great idea! Everyone has his favourite radial, BMW 139 for instance :)  


    You can even fit a B-24 in the theme, or a WnW kit with a rotary engine ... just sayin' B)


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  11. 2 hours ago, Mikester said:

    I'm supposedly the "GB Coordinator".  The last few GBs we've tried to run have been, to put it bluntly, flops.  Of course since then we've had a good influx of new members so I'm willing to give it another go.  I'd like enough participation to keep it interesting and maybe we can even line up a prize or two.

    This June marks the the 75th anniversary of Overlord/D-Day so that might be an interesting subject to cover. 

    Throw out some ideas and we'll see what we can come up with.

    Themes have got to be general enough to attract different entries. Even when the much awaited Tamiya P-51 came out with a lot of hype, a P-51 GB was not interesting enough for significant participation... I'd venture the same would apply to a Fw-190 GB.

    "Overlord" could be one theme, all the more so if you authorise targets (aka tanks or armour) on top of the aircrafts.

    Other options could be based around the engine type ("Just jets", or "Radial engines", or "Water-cooled", or a theme imposing a color in the finish (like black, or red, or blue, or yellow, etc.). People participate in GB for the fun of it, if the theme does not constraint them to tackle a specific kit, or scheme. Give them the freedom to fit their choice of subject within the GB theme.

    Just my :2c:


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  12. 13 minutes ago, TJTX said:

    Civilian birds?  That certainly covers conversions.

    The "civilian" GB on LSP was a complete flop, participation-wise ... Unfortunately (IMHO°, most modellers seem to want their models bristling with guns and bombs ;)


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  13. 18 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Well, we’re inland, so we should be safe from a...



    Who knows ? If Bruce Willis fails to stop the next forthcoming meteorite, and does not save the world for the umpteenth time,  then you might see the Ocean coming to you :nuke:

    Hubert, who has seen Armageddon and 2012 too many times ...

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