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Everything posted by telepatu

  1. Nice project, following with interest. I confess to liking both Midway movies. Br, Jani
  2. The motor boat has been primed and it has gotten couple of layers of greyish paint on top as well. I was going to do some painting on the depth charge but I'm losing interest in this project. The internal parts are most likely going to be hidden anyway. Here is one picture of the driver's seat. The pe dashboard turned out quite nice just by painting it. The kit had decals, but they didn't provide much more detail in my opinion. Not much will be seen anyway once the driver's cabin is installed.
  3. I guess it's time for a small update. The next step was the tiny photoetched hinges on top the boat. I managed to lose at least two or three of of them while trying to glue them in place. Luckily, Italeri had provided plenty of spares. I almost gave up on them, but there they are, with unnecessarily large globs of glue.. Some priming to be done later.
  4. Really nice work! BTW, if you don't mind me asking, did the kit offer wing folding option? Maybe Airfix is slowly chugging in the dark design chambers, biding their time and will surprise us all with a 1:24 Phantom to go with the Harrier?
  5. I'm slowly catching up to all marvelous builds here. The Phantom looks really good. Thanks for the book tip.
  6. Awesome idea! Wasn't that the same collective in the Ukraine group? I've never thought of the group builds as competitions. Which is a good thing since I might skip the whole thing if it gets too competitive. Happily that is not the case here, the group builds have been really friendly and lacking the atmosphere of competition. Now, would anyone have the Batboat floating around?
  7. I think I read somewhere that the yellow wings were for easier spotting of downed aircraft in the sea? I can be imagining things as well, most likely someone has the right details.
  8. Awesome! I hear that the Bobbyhoss Arizona is not exactly a state of the art kit. For some reason I bought the Hobby Boss boxing, which lacks all the nice PE sheets and barrels that you have in the Eduard boxing. I will be following with interest and I'll be taking notes ✍️ Br, Jani
  9. Good eyestimation, the MTM is 5.6 meters long (~18 feet).
  10. Basic structure built.Top seems to fit nicely, that's not glued yet. This is quite small even in 1:35 scale, Tamiya Extra thin posing next to it for scale.
  11. Last group build was so much fun, so I'll take the plunge again and dip my toes into the water 😛 As first entry I selected the small motor boat from Italeri, M.T.M. Barchino. These small modified recreational motor boats were designed to be driven towards an enemy ship. The boat would break up upon collision with the target and the 300+ kg depth charge like device would sink under the ship and detonate a few meters under water. In May 1941 three MTMs managed to sneak into Suda Bay harbour in Crete and sink the cruiser HMS York and tanker Pericles. There is only one sprue, a small PE sheet and a reference manual in the box.
  12. Great work on the PE! Are you soldering them or using CA glue?
  13. Looking forward to this, interesting subject (I have the same kit in the stash) 😁
  14. Huge thank you for organising this! It is a wonderful time of the year. BR, Jani
  15. Can I participate as well, both recipient and donator. I'll donate the ICM 1:32 I-16 if that is acceptable. Alternatively, to avoid huge postages, 50USD gift certificate to recipient's hobby store of choice. BR, Jani
  16. Looking splendid! I'll follow with interest. Corsair has always been one of my favourites. Looks like I need to get there Tamiya kit after all. We have a Berlin family trip coming up in December, what would be the best local hobby store there, if you don't mind me asking?
  17. Congratulations, Kevin! Well deserved, the He-111 was really nice. Br, Jani
  18. Thanks, Ernie! I was worried that you extended the deadline because of me so I had to finish it now. :) I posted some pictures in the RFI section
  19. Hi! I'm not sure if I qualify as a new member, having lurked around for some years already before registering, but I'll give it a go. As a young bloke many, many moons ago I built many, many models. Some of them are still around in my home. An old B-24 Liberator in 1:48 hangs over my remote working desk. I remember being very enthusiastic when getting that one and building it in one day. I might take it down and redo some things in it or maybe not. Some how I "lost the loving feeling" for models in the hectic studying years. Partly because I set too high standards for myself. Now I know better. Or should know better. I returned to the hobby after settling down in my hometown in Finland. Although in the beginning the hobby has been more of building the stash part. I have started some kits, then lost interest somehow when something too complicated has stalled the build. I feel like I have too many unfinished builds, so I have begun my own Clear the Shelf of Doom project. I build for fun and for myself. I know that I won't be able to create Best of Show masterpieces, but that's ok. Now that the kids are growing up all the time, the bench time is also increasing a bit. This year I participated in the Everything Ukraine Group Build here; it was the first GB for me. It was fun. Somehow it motivated me to push a bit further, trying new things like weathering. I might do it again. Both weathering and group builds :) I have many kinds of kits in the stash, but almost 80% is aircraft, 10% vehicles, mostly armor and 10% ships. About 1/4 of the aircraft are of larger scale (1:32, 1:24, 1:35). I have built or are planning to build many aircraft from the history of the Finnish Air Force. I have a soft spot for the Swedish Air Force as well, having lived there for a while. Who's next? :) Br, Jani
  20. This looks great! Excellent Cobra
  21. Rushed, you say? I wish I could rush like you :) Amazing work.
  22. This has been an interesting journey. I have never done WIP or a group build before, but this was fun. Having some sort of deadline helped me to kick my own behind to finish this. The Skif kit had some issues that tried to push me away. To be honest, it could have been me and my clumsy hands as well. Back in the day this was pretty much the only game is town if I wanted to have the 122 SpH 74 (2S1) for Finnish Army. As a bonus, it had the decals already in the box. Now I would start with the newer Trumpeter kit. Too late I noticed that the typeface of the registration number Ps521-xx is not the same as the actual typeface. Well, that's something I'll live with. As with some omissions in the kit and smaller details that are missing. Closeup photos on the big screen reveal even more boo-boos.. As I don't try to build any competition winners and build for fun, I'll let them pass. This kit was also the first time I did some actual weathering. Previous models I have made have been nice and clean. For this model I braved to do some pin washes and splashed some mud on the tracks. Plain and simple artists' oil for the pin wash and Vallejo's Splash Mud for the mud. The mud is not exactly convincing in all the places. All in all, group build was fun, thanks for organizing it! I'm happy to have the 122 SpH 74 in my model cabin. I'll post some more images in the Ready for Inspection section. Soon I will need a simple Tamigawa build, currently I'm wrestling with the ancient Revell Corsair.. Br, Jani
  23. Really nice, I will take a note of your fixes. I have the same kit started but stalled.. Br, Jani
  24. Thanks! The Skif model was a bit of cumbersome in some places. From what I hear, the Trumpeter kit would be better. It seems that there a bits that are missing from the kit. I don't even know what those are, but they are in nearly all the photos that I saw. Decals are in place and some final touches before weathering. There are some mistakes with the placing of some PE, which might need fixing. The typeface of the decals isnot the same as real thing, but at the moment I'm beyond caring. I'm half tempted to call this done...
  25. Group builds are fun to follow. This time I even participated in the Ukraine build, for some I felt motivated to dig out the old model that most hate and try to build it to my satisfaction. Themes can vary a lot, there have been many interesting suggestions already in this thread. In our local club we have a theme for the model exhibition that we arrange every year. This year it is "Motor sports", including anything with motors and racing. I have started the Corsair "Lucky Gallon" using the old Revell, at least it will be a different Corsair. Br, Jani
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