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Showtime 100

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Everything posted by Showtime 100

  1. Holy smokes; Talk about an in-depth group build ! Awesome updates!
  2. Alright; An early P-51 ! I'll be following this badboy build fersuuuuur !
  3. The cockpit looks awesome ! Very nice work!
  4. Great progress indeed ! Thanks for the update !
  5. The only easy day was yesterday.

  6. Very nice work, dude! Love the oil stains on the fuel tank!
  7. Is that kit/project a complete a/c?
  8. :French Tormentors: Vuuuuuura Naaaaaaaas !! :French Tormentors: Awesome work, you're doing!
  9. I'm going to have to try this one. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!
  11. The tabs that connect the PSP plates together; They look like hooks. Bend a few of them to give it a more used and abused look.
  12. Are you going to mangle any of the interlocking tabs? It would add yet another degree of realism to your PSP plates.
  13. Happy anniversary (Thread) ! I'll be interested in a complete kit/package/set whenever you start producing them. Is it possible for you to post a pic of what Lightning variations you'll be producing? I know nothing about the plane other than I want to build one with a 'British dark two-tone camo' like this badboy:
  14. Wow; What a beautiful kit!
  15. Wow; Talk about some serious man-hours......um.......I mean person-hours in your project!
  16. Ah! I was on his website yesterday. I am thinking of do exactly what you did. The finished product looks great! Thanks for the response!
  17. No way !! Make sure you take a zillion pics as well as a zillion measurements !! Being a big Phantom Phan, I want to build the RAF Phantoms in both 1/48th and 1/32nd scale. Thanks for the response!
  18. Wow; Any update on this build?!! I want to do an RAF F-4 build in 1/32.
  19. Any updates on the build?
  20. Any updates on your build? It sure looks great so far!
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