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Pete Fleischmann

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Everything posted by Pete Fleischmann

  1. Looks like captive AIM-9M and captive AIM-120A/B. the captive AIM-120’s have a fatter, less pointy nose
  2. Hello all- North Star Models made a nice set of 1:200 Modern US Navy carrier figures that I can’t find anywhere..if you have a set that you’d be willing to sell, I’m you guy- thanks Pete
  3. Thanks Peter for the primer links! Looking forward to your painting process- cheers Pete
  4. Simply brilliantly executed Peter! Will be very interested in what paint type you select; and what surface prep may be required- looking forward to that lesson if you are able to share/explain- best Pete
  5. Hi Jeroen, I love the way you paint and weather! Could you tell me what brand of paint you prefer, and what type of wash you are using? Your ability to feather your wash is very impressive- cheers Pete
  6. Damn this is so good- P
  7. Hey Pete- sending good energy for Diane and you too! If you are serious about parting out your kit- I’m your guy! Let me know! I have an MH-60T Jayhawk to wrestle to the ground. Spares would be welcome!! cheers Pete
  8. Hi all- working on the aft deck- I filled the recessed rivets and replaced them with Archer rivets Then shot it Tamiya NATO Black- some weathering still needed back there- P
  9. What a cool car! Dude I love it- P
  10. I know, right? I bought an entire outdoor theater system after a few cocktails… love that thing! I bought a right hand drive 1990 Hilux from Japan and had it shipped over here (also after a few cocktails) and it’s my daily driver. plus about 10,000 rounds of ammo— I’m probably on a watch list- I’m sure the B-52 will be cool- P
  11. I’ve bought dumber stuff- that’s for sure. should be ridiculously fun to build. P
  12. I got one. Might be my next build. P
  13. Very cool. I did a Pavehawk a while back- they are fun kits…you’ll love it! cheers P
  14. Hey all! here is the outstanding Kopecky nose gear well and the G Factor brass nose strut- And a whisp of paint- Tweaking the nose gear with a mix of Revell and Tamiya parts; plus a few odds and ends And front fuselage finally clamped up
  15. Nope. the artificial horizon is the biggest guage in the center with the cage/adjust knob at 5 O’clock. The red/black gauges are identical; and likely engine instruments seeing as they are placed right/left next to each other. Looking great Bill! P
  16. Learning a lot from your build! Someday I’ll do Robin Olds’ Mustang… cheers P
  17. Hi Peter- thanks for sharing this build with us. It is progressing beautifully and I look forward to seeing it over the finish line! I really need to build one of these someday…overall-looks like a fun build nicely done my friend cheers P
  18. Black sidewalls coming together getting close to closing this up P
  19. Hi all- did some hairspray chipping on the canopy rails- Three layers of chipping here- black over interior blue/green over silver P
  20. Thanks Oliver; but I would never have a chance if your work was on the contest table- P
  21. I think I’d be all over that Peruvian Mustang with the tip tanks! That thing is so cool- P
  22. A few more photos- Cockpit prior to flat coat-
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