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Sparse Grey Hackles

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Everything posted by Sparse Grey Hackles

  1. Thanks. I have one or two of those.
  2. Can updates still be provided here for those of us who don't Facebook?
  3. I just found a box of about 50-70 Model Cellar paint bottles that are at least 20 years old. Is it worth the effort to reclaim them and what would that involve? As an aside, if I ever get to the painting steps they will be done by hand. Lungs and location won't allow my air brushes to be used.
  4. Thank you for that. Some excellent modelling there.
  5. Damn. I mistook the picture of him with his arms above his head as current. He has a lot of work in his future and I hope he is aware of his support here. And likely, in a lot of other paces.
  6. Wow, I had no idea of the relative size of some of these.
  7. Harvey, you don’t know me from Adam’s off ox but I am pulling for you. Hard.
  8. I would apologize but I have been in the US longer than I was in Canada. I find it a bit odd that people blame bad forest management for the problem. I don’t think they realize that Canada is a vast area with most of the population near the US boarder.. There is no way the forests can be groomed to remove prior debris. Except, possibly, by fire. It is good to see the international volunteers arriving to help out.
  9. What a sweetie!
  10. Well said.  It mirrors my thinking but with facts. What do you read to learn this stuff?

    1. HubertB


      Thanks. I just scan the net, but I apply Socrates' concept of critical thinking and querying (see ? politics again ;) ).

      I avoid the sites which are obviously linked to the conflicting parties, like all the .ua or .ru ones. I also read other posts on the same source, about other subjects, to get a 'feel" for the spirit of the site and their "standard" bias.

      Then it's about recouping information.

      As for reading, it's always been my favorite pastime, but it impinges on my modelling time :)

      Thanks again


    2. Sparse Grey Hackles

      Sparse Grey Hackles

      I appreciate the response.  I know how I feel but have come to distrust just about everything.  It started when I had a small business and worked in my basement.  I would watch something on CSPAN which shows various House/Senate hearings without comment.  Later, Fox TV would report on it and it made me wonder if it was the same event.  I stopped watching Fox for anything other than sports. I fear the other networks have moved to their own biases.

  11. Too bad it has to be in London. Could have been in Ottawa. We will be watching. I am pro pomp, especially British pomp.
  12. I vaguely remember that name but have no firmer recollection. I used to fish the Bow at Fish Creek Park, the Raven north of Calgary, Fallen Timber northish west and even drove through the Highwood to fish Lake McPhail.
  13. Is that a named stream? Years ago, I went to the upper Elbow. It looked to be about 12" deep. It was quite a bit deeper and I became very careful, very quickly.
  14. Sorry to hear. Tough stuff no matter how friendly
  15. So my tv and internet would be toast along with my refrigerator?
  16. I don't know much about EMPs. Can they be selective or will they take out my TV & internet as well?
  17. I have read that this is not the first one that has come over in the past 6 years. I was naive enough to think that they are at the mercy of the winds but apparently, they can be somewhat controlled. After seeing footage from drone dropped grenades and massed drones putting on displays at the Olympics etc., I am concerned about large gatherings and wonder how an attack of that character could be prevented.
  18. Whoa. He might be doomed. I avoid that by not actually putting ANYTHING on my bench except for paraphanlia making look like I am a modeller.
  19. Not nosey. Health problems. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and some odd lung problem. I am on 14 lpm of oxygen and don't trust those portable bottles to last very long.
  20. I'd like to add a few. Jimi Hendrix, ZZtop, Yo-yo Mah and Stan Rogers. (You may have to be Canadian for Stan.)
  21. Sounds like a great time. Sadly, I am house bound. (Or maybe luckily.)
  22. Back in the 1960's, a friend of mine, in Toronto from Leeds, would visit used record stores and buy 45's for 10 cents and sell them back to England fo 5-10 pounds a piece. He now has a one or two record stores in Toronto. Introduced me to Cream. Top drawer stuff, imho.
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