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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. I had to do little bit of detective work. Trumpeter wanted this CITV shield facing back. I noticed that this wire conduit(black in picture) leads nowhere. Now they line up well👍. Also this shield was too small and not curved. I am working on how to mount this properly.
  2. 60 years is impressive feat I started modeling in 2023, so i have a few years to catch up😃. (I would like to see your abrams. Did you get it finished? Please share picture in this topic)
  3. Yes. True. I hope rest of the parts will tie all together and look more realistic.
  4. I am happy with end results. 🙂 This picture illustrates how small frontal area turret has. Difficult to hit and if adversary would happen to hit turret it likely would be absorbed by special armor. a few more things to finish before tackling massive undertaking to modify/paint/weather upper hull. Thank you all for your support👍
  5. More weathering done. I tried to concentrate areas where crew would be moving most. And also co-axial firing blast would be. I don't know if this is too much, but I have noticed that in 1/16 scale one must be braver, otherwise the end result will be too tame.
  6. Looking nice😎
  7. There is one extra detail piece included in photo etch if you look closely enough😀
  8. Whaaatttt! This is your build?!?. I can only say... Your build wip on other forum was my inspiration to tackle this build😄 Please sit down and watch this build. maybe I'll get at least partially as great a result as you.
  9. This looks pretty good now. a little bit of tweaking needed.
  10. Not likely. This picture has taken from other forum(look page 52). This turret basket has modified also. Cut in half. See brass pipe in the middle.
  11. I removed 4 mm section and glued it in place. Also grille needed to be shortened. I do not know how trumpeter got this so wrong.
  12. Colorfull. And that base is nice addition👍
  13. Testing new tow cable.
  14. I will try to do most damaged parts first when surface paint soft. And least damaged parts last, when paint is almost dry. I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to explain.
  15. This is from my previous build warhammer tank: I am experimenting new tecnique to create worn and weathered surface. Just spray painted all black. Then automotive green paint over it. Then used brass wirebrush to wear off some surface paint before it dries. After that i will drybrush some silver, give it some filter and pinwash. Finished. Easy!
  16. Thanks🙂. Hopefully the end result is decent. I have not even started upper hull. It needs a few fixes.
  17. Some finished pieces.
  18. Definitely value for money.
  19. I just realized I have too much 1/16 kits in stash, so i pass this one. But i would definitely like to see WIP build in this forum.
  20. looks nice! Tracks build very similar to abrams. fortunately track pins are thicker to prevent warping
  21. WOW🤯! When is this coming. I want one👍
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