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  1. Hello John, Is it the MMP scale plan book #11 under your kit parts? If so, I've also checked the SH fuselage length with the drawing of this MMP books. (that I consider not too bad, in any case much closer to the station diagram than the kit 😉 don't you think the fuse part is also too short from the front? when you place the ref with the cabin door (mid of the problem, ah, ah, ah), front is too short 1.5mm, and rear part 3mm too short.
  2. A piece of Art! beautiful build, Congrats.
  3. Hello Bill from what i've read in a discussion where Radu Brinzan explained it, there is a missing pipe from ZM. Sorry I can't find it through LSP. This one in yellow hope this helps and if anyone can help to find at the discussion?
  4. idem here , Thank you very much Carl, very helpful although we do not have the kit still available here in France!!! (grrrrr) and I do like your "philosophy" of that build from the box.
  5. Ok John thanks to let us know your opinion, which I know is from the best ;-)
  6. Hi All John, and what about he GM/ Derek plug directly to the Trumpy fuselage? complete or only the upper cowl part, what do you think about? Any test done ? (or any measurment if you still have the parts) Thank you Raph
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