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About Clashcityrocker

  • Birthday 07/26/1979

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    Bellingham, Washington, US

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  1. Hi everyone, Just finished this one up. Great kit considering there's actually not much in the box. I used Mr. Color paints, Mig/Ammo/Ak weathering products. I tried to give it a left out before it was launched look almost as if it was about to be lined up onto the launch rails but maybe the base was captured before. Who knows artist liberty right! The base is just out of a piece of plastic card scribed to look like concrete with a few tufts of silfor grass in there. Let me know what you guys think I haven't attempted to many bases for my planes yet and never tried to make a concrete slab. Thanks for looking! Cheers, Ben Bodenhamer
  2. Yeah this is awesome I just cracked this box open and started dry fitting some parts and man this got the excitement started.
  3. Great job!!! I can't wait till this kit is available do we have a release date?
  4. Thanks, great pic! Yeah that's about what I've seen too. It is a great kit but too bad I bungled the PE antenna and got to go with the plastic part.
  5. Super bummer!!! I'm really intrigued by these but I've never used them before. Sorry I no suggestions but hope it works out.
  6. Hey everyone I'm building the Dragon BF110 night fighter currently but I am wondering on the orientation of the underside DF loop antenna? I've seen reference photos of it both in line and perpendicular to the fuselage but have no idea if witch way I should put it on? I've seen it built both ways on models as well. Does it spin, are both ways right? Thanks and cheers! Ben Bodenhamer
  7. Hi everyone I don't want to ask a stupid question. But here goes... I've been using chipping fluids (Ammo, and AK) to chip tamiya paint but I was wondering can you chip Mr. Color paint with these as well? For some reason I think I read that Mr. Color dosen't lend itself well to this technique. Also I was wondering how long does the chipping fluid or hairspray remain "chipable"? Is it just until you put a clear layer over to seal or is it a time thing? I've never tried the salt chipping technique but an I right in assuming you can use any paint for this technique? Thanks in advance everyone! Ben
  8. Nova, Check out the Albion Alloys stuff I just bought a few packs from Spruebros the nickel wire sounds like it could be right up your alley. Kinda spendy but really nice.
  9. After starting to paint the Dragon BF110 I'm working on I can really see the benefits of this crazy claw. I think I may have to throw down on one. Email inbound Johan.
  10. I think you're looking for the new AK Interactive product called True Metal. Not sure where you saw it but it looks pretty cool. Cheers,
  11. Hi everyone I wanted to post up a few pics of this. I've been working on this quite a bit lately and have been able to fight off the usual kit stall out which is tough since there is soo much to put inside this before you can glue the fuselage up. The only aftermarket used so far is the Eduard Photo etch cockpit, and nose sets as well their wonderful micro textile belt set. I'll probably use their brassin wheels and masks before I'm finished. I haven't finished weathering up the insides of the fuselage and I think I'm going to put a seat belt in the nose and the tail before I glue her up. Let me know what you think and if you see something I've missed Cheers! Ben Bodenhamer
  12. Hi everyone sorry for taking so long to get back posting up here. I'm totally impressed with those of you how are posting things all the time I can barely get the actual modeling in let alone take pics and write something about it. I've been back working on this dio a little bit in the last few months finishing up some weathering and adding some judd to the aircraft. Here are a few pics. Next I'll be laying down some layers of snow over the base, then some muddy snow over the mud on the ground and plane and more snow over the whole thing. I'm going to try and get it to drift and even runnel a little on one side of the plane since I'm envisioning this in kind of an alpine environment. Thanks for looking and have a great weekend. Cheers, Ben Bodenhamer
  13. I love this news too. I'm building the b-25 right now and I agree with you guys an awesome kit. I do have one question about the availability tho. Do they produce in limited editions or are we always going to be able to buy their different kits?
  14. They're from Eagle Editions and man are they nice I'll definitely be doing one of the other schemes that came with the pack later on down the road. http://www.eagle-editions.com/eaglecals/32/p-51-mustangs-click-to-view-all-available-markings/eaglecals-141-32-p-51-d-mustangs-detail.html Thanks for the kind words!
  15. Not really a true WIP report but just wanna say does anyone also get super excited after you finish applying the decals, stencils and masks! I've been on this one a long time with some long breaks so its nice to see it this far. Thanks for looking! Cheers!
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