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  1. I have no insight on the removed panels on the canopy but the build is looking mighty fine.
  2. Oh, this is going to be a good one. Looking forward to your progress.
  3. How I missed this is beyond me. Jumping on board for the ride.
  4. Looking good sir. How do these kits compare to Tamiya's kit?
  5. Ah yes, I have a dwindling supply of Model Master colors...Dark Sea Blue being one of them. I hate that they discontinued them.
  6. Looks great. What brand paint did you use for the dark blue?
  7. Very nice. As for the antenna, I'm no expert but it looks perfect to me.
  8. Looks good. I been using Model Master Euro Green for my dull dark green P-47 pits which looks amazingly like the color you used. Since my supply of Model master colors are running low, I'm constantly looking for replacements.
  9. Looking good, what color did you use for the cockpit?
  10. Fantastic work.
  11. Ooh, this is shaping up nicely, jumping on board to watch.
  12. Cool, Love me a Corsair. Count me in to follow along.
  13. Jumping on board to follow along. I have one of these in the stash and if not for a bunch of stuff already started I'd be tearing in to it. Yours is looking good so far.
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