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Apologies if I ramble on here, just wanted to pop my head in the door and say "Hello!" to everyone here.  I haven't been doing a lot of building of late, though I have spent some time here and there on a Tamiya 1/32 P-51D I started a few years back.  Honestly, I felt a bit burned out from building regularly and set my scalpel and airbrush down for the better part of 3 years.  I bought my first house in 2017, and at the time was getting back into RC and dabbling a tiny bit with plastic kits.  I had started my P-51D in the beginning of 2018, but struggled with the build as I opted to fill and putty the wings and that aspect alone nearly killed what mojo I had left!  I also decided last year to pursue my Private Pilot Certificate, which I hope to finish up in the next couple of months.  It is something I have always wanted to do and last year when I realized I was now in my 50's I had better get started!  It's going well, though the weather here in Wisconsin has proven challenging at times.  I soloed at the end of July, and have about 10 hours left along with my knowledge exam and checkride.  I am very excited to soon be able to fly whenever I want, and hope to purchase an aircraft for myself in the next couple of years.


Anyway, sorry to ramble on!  Glad to be back modeling again and am enjoying (sort of) re-learning old skills.  It's coming back, though it seems a bit overwhelming at times.  Looking forward to leaning over all of your shoulders and picking up some new tips and watching what you're building!

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  • Daywalker changed the title to Back from a modeling hiatus

Welcome back.  I also took a break from modeling after getting burned out trying to force completion of some models that I lost interest in coupled with extremely busy work life.  Good luck with the completion of your pilots license, that is a great achievement.

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Great to see you back Frank. 

Being in Wisconsin and (soon) having your flying license, does that mean you'll be spending a bunch of time at Oshkosh? My sister lives about 20 minutes north of the airfield so when we went to visit her we times to coincide with the EAA show.


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Thank you so much fellas, it's good to be back at the bench smelling paint fumes again.


Carl - you betcha!  Funny, I soloed on 7/21/21, and eight days later I looked at the rotation at the flying school I fly from.  I saw my name signed on with my instructor for the entire day, with the note "Frank Daniels - EAA Airventure".  Yikes!  I couldn't believe I was going to fly there a week after soloing.  I assumed I was simply riding along with my instructor.  When I arrived at the airport and asked my instructor what my role was during the flight, he said simply "You're the pilot. I'm just riding along with you.  Oh, and we're flying with another aircraft so you're the lead during the flight, don't get us lost."  It went surprisingly well, and got to experience my first time "landing on the dot".  I was closer than I expected, but will try harder this year.

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Welcome back and nice to read the juices are flowing. Looking forward to your Mustang build.

Nothing like that first solo, mine was in 1965, Piper J3 Cub, Amityville Flying Service, Zahns Airport, Amityville, NY

Yes a looooooooooog time ago. Back then, Zahn's was one of the busiest GA airports in the country, no tower and on weekends, you fought your way in and out of the pattern. 

The good old days I so long for

Keep 'em comin


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Peter - I absolutely adore the the J3!  My flight instructor has access to one, believe it or not it's the 2017 Oshkosh Grand Champion (pretty rare for a Cub to win Grand Champion amongst all of the aircraft there).  She's a 1946 J3, N88354.  He actually emailed me a couple of weeks back to tell me we're going to take her out soon for some tailwheel time, I can't wait to fly her!  Not sure if I've ever told you this, but I absolutely love your avatar.  



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Magnificent, a J3 Cub restored in all her glory.  I've saved the photo and am going to use it for desktop. In my earlier days after we were married and working full time, first purchase was a 1962 Piper Colt 5544Z in 1971. Never should have sold her but back then it became an expense I couldn't afford. Same wing (jkust shorter in span) and airfoil: if I remember correctly, a Clark Y but I'm just remembering back over 50 years.

Please post lost of photos, she is a beauty.

Keep 'em comin


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